Specifying options
All options should be passed via the constructor.
For example.
// Create the editor
sceditor.create(textarea, {
// Options go here
plugins: 'undo',
format: 'bbcode',
toolbar: 'bold,italic,underline|source',
locale: 'no-NB'
toolbar String Defaults to a list of all the built in commands
A comma separated list of commands. To separate commands into groups, use the bar character (|) instead of a comma. e.g.: "bold,italic,underline|source"
The default commands bundled with the editor are:
- bold
- italic
- underline
- strike
- subscript
- superscript
- left
- center
- right
- justify
- font
- size
- color
- removeformat
- cut
- copy
- paste
- This only works in IE because of security permissions. It’s disabled in other browsers.
- pastetext
- bulletlist
- orderedlist
- table
- code
- quote
- horizontalrule
- image
- link
- unlink
- emoticon
- youtube
- date
- time
- ltr
- rtl
- maximize
- source
toolbarExclude String Defaults to null
Comma separated list of commands to exclude from the toolbar. Leave as null
to not exclude any.
style String
URL of the stylesheet to used to style the WYSIWYG editors content.
fonts String Defaults to "Arial,Arial Black,Comic Sans MS,Courier New,Georgia,Impact,Sans-serif,Serif,Times New Roman,Trebuchet MS,Verdana"
A comma separated list of fonts to use with the font selector.
colors String Defaults to null
Should be comma separated list of hex colours with bar (|) characters to signal a new columns. If set to null
the colors will be auto generated.
For example:
colors: '#ffff00,#ff00ff,#00ffff|#ff0000,#00ff00,#0000ff',
Would produce:
locale String Defaults to "en"
The locale to use, e.g.: en
, en-US
, fr
, etc.
charset String Defaults to "utf-8"
The charset to use for the WYSIWYG content.
startInSourceMode Bool Defaults to false
If to start the editor in source mode. Set to true
to start in source mode.
emoticonsEnabled Bool Defaults to true
If emoticons should be enabled. Set to false
to disable emoticons.
emoticonsCompat Bool Defaults to false
Enables or disables emoticons compatibility mode.
When this is enabled, emoticons must be surrounded by whitespace or EOL characters. For example, if you have an emoticon with the code :/
, in compatibility mode it will not replace the :/
in http://
emoticonsRoot String Defaults to an empty string
Root URL of all emoticons. This string will be prepended to all emoticon URLs.
emoticons Object
Object in the following format:
// Emoticons to be included in the dropdown
dropdown: {
':)': 'emoticons/smile.png',
':angel:': 'emoticons/angel.png'
// Emoticons to be included in the more section
more: {
':alien:': 'emoticons/alien.png',
':blink:': 'emoticons/blink.png'
// Emoticons that are not shown in the dropdown but will still
// be converted. Can be used for things like aliases
hidden: {
':aliasforalien:': 'emoticons/alien.png',
':aliasforblink:': 'emoticons/blink.png'
icons String Defaults to null
Icon set to use with the editor. If this is null no icon set will be used and icons will be loaded from the current theme instead.
The bundled icon sets are monocons (use monocons
as the option value) and material design icons (use material
as the option value).
width String or int Defaults to null
Initial width of the editor. Can be either an int which will be treated as the px value or a string percentage. e.g. "100%"
If set to null the width will be set to the width of the textarea it is replacing.
height String or int Defaults to null
Initial height of the editor. Can be either an int which will be treated as the px value or a string percentage. e.g. "100%"
If set to null the height will be set to the height of the textarea it is replacing.
resizeEnabled Bool Defaults to true
If to allow the editor to be resized. If set to true, a small grip will be added to the bottom right-hand corner (bottom left-hand corner in LTR mode) of the editor which allows it to be resized.
resizeEnabled int Defaults to null
Minimum width that the editor can be resized to. Set to null for half textarea width or -1 for unlimited.
resizeMinHeight int Defaults to null
Minimum height that the editor can be resized. Set to null for half textarea height or -1 for unlimited
resizeMaxHeight int Defaults to null
Maximum height the editor can be resized to. Set to null for double textarea height or -1 for unlimited
resizeMaxWidth int Defaults to null
Maximum width the editor can be resized to. Set to null for double textarea width or -1 for unlimited
resizeHeight bool Defaults to true
If to enable resizing the editors height.
resizeWidth bool Defaults to true
If to enable resizing the editors width.
dateFormat String Defaults to "year-month-day"
Date format to used by the date command. This option will be overridden if the current locale specifies a date format.
The words year, month and day will be replaced with the users current year, month and day.
toolbarContainer HTMLElement Defaults to null
HTML node that to contain the toolbar into. Defaults to adding the toolbar above the iframe.
enablePasteFiltering bool Defaults to false
If to enable paste filtering. When text is pasted it will be filtered through any plugins.
With the BBCode plugin this will cause any HTML without a valid BBCode to be stripped.
readOnly bool Defaults to false
If the editor is read only.
rtl bool Defaults to false
If to set the editor to right-to-left mode.
This can be changed at runtime with the rtl(bool)
autofocus bool Defaults to false
If to auto focus the editor on page load.
autofocusEnd bool Defaults to true
If the cursor should be placed at the end when auto focusing or at the beginning.
autoExpand bool Defaults to false
If to auto expand the editor to fit the content
autoUpdate bool Defaults to false
If true, the original textbox will be updated with the editors current value when the editor loses focus.
runWithoutWysiwygSupport bool Defaults to false
If to run the source editor when there is no browser WYSIWYG support. Only really applies to mobile OS’s as all modern desktop browsers support WYSIWYG editing.
id String Defaults to null
ID to assign the editor.
plugins String Defaults to an empty string
A commas separated list of plugins. e.g. "plugin1,plugin2"
See plugins documentation for list of default plugins.
spellcheck Boolean Defaults to true
If to enable the browsers built in spell checker. This option is only really useful if you want to disabled the browsers built in spellchecker.
disableBlockRemove Boolean Defaults to false
By default the editor will remove block level elements when the cursor is placed at the start of them and backspace is pressed. This option allows that behaviour to be disabled.
parserOptions Object Defaults to an empty object
If to trim the whitespace from the start and end of BBCode. By default the whitespace will be left.
bbcodeTrim Boolean Defaults to false
Important This only applies if using the editor in BBCode mode. </span>
Trims white space from the start and end of editors value.
This does not affect the contents of BBCode tags or white space between them, only white space at the start and end of the editors value.
So for example:
[b] example [/b]
[b] example [/b]
will become:
[b] example [/b]
[b] example [/b]
dropDownCss Object Defaults to an empty object
Extra CSS to add to the dropdown menu (e.g. z-index).