Unofficial SMF API Documentation



/*	The purpose of this file is to show the user an updated registration
	agreement, and get them to agree to it.

	bool prepareAgreementContext()
		// !!!

	bool canRequireAgreement()
		// !!!

	bool canRequirePrivacyPolicy()
		// !!!

	void Agreement()
		- Show the new registration agreement

	void AcceptAgreement()
		- Called when they actually accept the agreement
		- Save the date of the current agreement to the members database table
		- Redirect back to wherever they came from
function prepareAgreementContext()


function canRequireAgreement()


function canRequirePrivacyPolicy()


// Let's tell them there's a new agreement
function Agreement()


// I solemly swear to no longer chase squirrels.
function AcceptAgreement()

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