Unofficial SMF API Documentation



function ShowXmlFeed(): void

Outputs xml data representing recent information or a profile.

Can be passed subactions which decide what is output: ‘recent’ for recent posts, ‘news’ for news topics, ‘members’ for recently registered members, ‘profile’ for a member’s profile. ‘posts’ for a member’s posts. ‘personal_messages’ for a member’s personal messages.

When displaying a member’s profile or posts, the u parameter identifies which member. Defaults to the current user’s id. To display a member’s personal messages, the u parameter must match the id of the current user.

Outputs can be in RSS 0.92, RSS 2, Atom, RDF, or our own custom XML format. Default is RSS 2.

Accessed via ?action=.xml.

Does not use any templates, sub templates, or template layers.

Uses Stats, Profile, Post, and PersonalMessage language files.

Integration hooks


function buildXmlFeed($xml_format, $xml_data, $feed_meta, $subaction)
Integration hooks


function fix_possible_url(string $val): string

Called from dumpTags to convert data to xml Finds urls for local site and sanitizes them

Type Parameter Description
string $val A string containing a possible URL
Integration hooks


function cdata_parse(string $data, string $ns = '', bool $force = false): string

Ensures supplied data is properly encapsulated in cdata xml tags Called from getXmlProfile in News.php

Type Parameter Description
string $data XML data
string $ns A namespace prefix for the XML data elements (used by mods, maybe)
bool $force If true, enclose the XML data in cdata tags no matter what (used by mods, maybe)


function dumpTags(array $data, int $i, string $xml_format = '', array $forceCdataKeys = array(), array $nsKeys = array()): void

Formats data retrieved in other functions into xml format.

Additionally formats data based on the specific format passed. This function is recursively called to handle sub arrays of data.

Type Parameter Description
array $data The array to output as xml data
int $i The amount of indentation to use.
string $xml_format The format to use (‘atom’, ‘rss’, ‘rss2’ or empty for plain XML)
array $forceCdataKeys A list of keys on which to force cdata wrapping (used by mods, maybe)
array $nsKeys Key-value pairs of namespace prefixes to pass to cdata_parse() (used by mods, maybe)


function getXmlMembers(string $xml_format, bool $ascending = false): array

Retrieve the list of members from database.

The array will be generated to match the format.

Type Parameter Description
string $xml_format The format to use. Can be ‘atom’, ‘rdf’, ‘rss’, ‘rss2’ or ‘smf’
bool $ascending If true, get the earliest members first. Default false.


function getXmlNews(string $xml_format, bool $ascending = false): array

Get the latest topics information from a specific board, to display later.

The returned array will be generated to match the xml_format.

Type Parameter Description
string $xml_format The XML format. Can be ‘atom’, ‘rdf’, ‘rss’, ‘rss2’ or ‘smf’.
bool $ascending If true, get the oldest topics first. Default false.


function getXmlRecent(string $xml_format): array

Get the recent topics to display.

The returned array will be generated to match the xml_format.

Type Parameter Description
string $xml_format The XML format. Can be ‘atom’, ‘rdf’, ‘rss’, ‘rss2’ or ‘smf’


function getXmlProfile(string $xml_format): array

Get the profile information for member into an array, which will be generated to match the xml_format.

Type Parameter Description
string $xml_format The XML format. Can be ‘atom’, ‘rdf’, ‘rss’, ‘rss2’ or ‘smf’


function getXmlPosts(string $xml_format, bool $ascending = false): array

Get a user’s posts.

The returned array will be generated to match the xml_format.

Type Parameter Description
string $xml_format The XML format. Can be ‘atom’, ‘rdf’, ‘rss’, ‘rss2’ or ‘smf’
bool $ascending If true, get the oldest posts first. Default false.


function getXmlPMs(string $xml_format, bool $ascending = false): array

Get a user’s personal messages.

Only the user can do this, and no one else – not even the admin!

Type Parameter Description
string $xml_format The XML format. Can be ‘atom’, ‘rdf’, ‘rss’, ‘rss2’ or ‘smf’
bool $ascending If true, get the oldest PMs first. Default false.

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