Unofficial SMF API Documentation



function template_control_richedit(string $editor_id, ?bool $smileyContainer = null, ?bool $bbcContainer = null): void

This function displays all the stuff you get with a richedit box - BBC, smileys, etc.

Type Parameter Description
string $editor_id The editor ID
null|bool $smileyContainer If null, hides the smiley section regardless of settings
null|bool $bbcContainer If null, hides the bbcode buttons regardless of settings


function template_control_richedit_buttons(string $editor_id): void

This template shows the form buttons at the bottom of the editor

Type Parameter Description
string $editor_id The editor ID


function template_control_verification(int|string $verify_id, string $display_type = 'all', bool $reset = false): bool

This template displays a verification form

Type Parameter Description
int|string $verify_id The verification control ID
string $display_type What type to display. Can be ‘single’ to only show one verification option or ‘all’ to show all of them
bool $reset Whether to reset the internal tracking counter

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