Unofficial SMF API Documentation



function db_extra_init(): void

Add the functions implemented in this file to the $smcFunc array.


function smf_db_backup_table(string $table, string $backup_table): resource

Backup $table to $backup_table.

Type Parameter Description
string $table The name of the table to backup
string $backup_table The name of the backup table for this table


function smf_db_optimize_table(string $table): int

This function optimizes a table.

Type Parameter Description
string $table The table to be optimized


function smf_db_list_tables(string|bool $db = false, string|bool $filter = false): array

This function lists all tables in the database.

The listing could be filtered according to $filter.

Type Parameter Description
string|bool $db string The database name or false to use the current DB
string|bool $filter String to filter by or false to list all tables


function smf_db_table_sql(string $tableName): string

Dumps the schema (CREATE) for a table.

Type Parameter Description
string $tableName The name of the table


function smf_db_get_version(): string

Get the version number.


function smf_db_get_vendor(): string

Figures out if we are using MySQL, Percona or MariaDB


function smf_db_allow_persistent(): bool

Figures out if persistent connection is allowed

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