Unofficial SMF API Documentation

Extending the application



call_integration_hook('integrate_manage_help', array(&$subActions))
Type Parameter Description
array &$subActions Array of subacctions
    - Keys correlate to $_GET['sa']
    - Values are regular PHP callables, called with call_user_func() As such, static methods are allowed(MyClass::myMethod)
Called from
ShowHelp() in ./Sources/Help.php
Since 2.1

Example usage

function manage_help(array &$subActions)
	$subActions['subaction'] = 'MyFunction';


Called from
ShowAdminHelp() in ./Sources/Help.php
Since 2.1
Allows mods to load their own language files

Example usage

function my_helpadmin()



call_integration_hook('integrate_autoload', array(&$classMap)
Type Parameter Description
array &$classMap Hashmap of PSR-4 namespaces
Called from
Since 2.1
The namespaced files are assumed to be in $sourcedir (./Sources).

Example usage

function my_autoload(array &$classMap)
	$classMap['My\\Namespace\\'] = 'path/to/files/';


call_integration_hook('integrate_actions', array(&$actionArray)
Type Parameter Description
array &$actionArray Array containing all the actions provided by SMF.
Called from
smf_main() in ./index.php
Since 2.0
This is a regular PHP callable, called with call_user_func() As such, static methods are allowed(MyClass::myMethod).
The files are assumed to be in $sourcedir (./Sources).
The result is that, when you navigate to ./index.php?action=mynewaction, the file MyFile.php in the Sources directory is loaded and the function MyFunction() is called.
If a mod is using integrate_autoload, it should set the first param in each $actionArray entry to the boolean value false to avoid redundant calls to require_once.

Example usage

function my_actions(array &$actionArray)
	$actionArray['mynewaction'] = array('MyFile.php', 'MyFunction');


call_integration_hook('integrate_simple_actions', array(&$simpleActions, &$simpleAreas, &$simpleSubActions, &$extraParams, &$xmlActions)
Type Parameter Description
array &$simpleActions List of actions ($_GET['action'])
array &$simpleSubActions Parent action => array of areas ($_GET['area'])
array &$simpleSubActions Parent action => array of subactions ($_GET['sa'])
array &$extraParams List of request params that trigger XML output regardless of the presence of other params
array &$xmlActions List of actions that specifically use XML output (but still require ?xml)
Called from
loadTheme() in ./Sources/Load.php
Since 2.1
XML mode loads the XML template file, removes any template layers, and pumps out the correct Content-Type header.
Currently ?area=popup and any other simple actions that don’t actually exist (e.g. you intended to use ?action=myAction;area=simpleArea but call just ?area=simpleArea) then the board index loads without full templates) If any of the URL schemes above apply then the index template will not be loaded.
You should avoid generic areas and subactions for this purpose as they may break other mods using similar names (they will no longer load templates as expected).

Example usage

function my_simple_actions(array &$simpleActions, array &$simpleAreas, array $simpleSubActions, array &$extraParams, array &$xmlActions)
	// Applies to /index.php?action=mysimpleaction
	$simpleActions[] = 'mysimpleaction';

	// Applies to /index.php?area=mysimplearea
	$simpleAreas['mysimpleaction'] = ['mysimplearea'];

	// Applies to /index.php?sa=mysimplesubaction
	$simpleSubActions['mysimpleaction'] = ['mysimplesubaction'];

	// Applies to /index.php?myextraparamforxml
	$extraParams[] = 'myextraparamforxml';

	// Applies to /index.php?action=myxmlaction
	$xmlActions[] = 'myxmlaction';

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