Unofficial SMF API Documentation



function validateSession(string $type = 'admin', string $force = false): void|string

Check if the user is who he/she says he is Makes sure the user is who they claim to be by requiring a password to be typed in every hour.

Is turned on and off by the securityDisable setting. Uses the adminLogin() function of Subs-Auth.php if they need to login, which saves all request (post and get) data.

Type Parameter Description
string $type What type of session this is
string $force When true, require a password even if we normally wouldn’t
Integration hooks


function is_not_guest(string $message = ''): void

Require a user who is logged in. (not a guest.) Checks if the user is currently a guest, and if so asks them to login with a message telling them why.

Message is what to tell them when asking them to login.

Type Parameter Description
string $message The message to display to the guest


function is_not_banned(bool $forceCheck = false): void

Do banning related stuff. (ie. disallow access….) Checks if the user is banned, and if so dies with an error.

Caches this information for optimization purposes.

Type Parameter Description
bool $forceCheck Whether to force a recheck


function banPermissions(): void

Fix permissions according to ban status.

Applies any states of banning by removing permissions the user cannot have.

Integration hooks


function log_ban(array $ban_ids = array(), string $email = null): void

Log a ban in the database.

Log the current user in the ban logs. Increment the hit counters for the specified ban ID’s (if any.)

Type Parameter Description
array $ban_ids The IDs of the bans
string $email The email address associated with the user that triggered this hit


function isBannedEmail(string $email, string $restriction, string $error): void

Checks if a given email address might be banned.

Check if a given email is banned. Performs an immediate ban if the turns turns out positive.

Type Parameter Description
string $email The email to check
string $restriction What type of restriction (cannot_post, cannot_register, etc.)
string $error The error message to display if they are indeed banned


function checkSession(string $type = 'post', string $from_action = '', bool $is_fatal = true): string

Make sure the user’s correct session was passed, and they came from here.

Checks the current session, verifying that the person is who he or she should be. Also checks the referrer to make sure they didn’t get sent here. Depends on the disableCheckUA setting, which is usually missing. Will check GET, POST, or REQUEST depending on the passed type. Also optionally checks the referring action if passed. (note that the referring action must be by GET.)

Type Parameter Description
string $type The type of check (post, get, request)
string $from_action The action this is coming from
bool $is_fatal Whether to die with a fatal error if the check fails


function checkConfirm(string $action): bool|string

Check if a specific confirm parameter was given.

Type Parameter Description
string $action The action we want to check against


function createToken(string $action, string $type = 'post'): array

Lets give you a token of our appreciation.

Type Parameter Description
string $action The action to create the token for
string $type The type of token (‘post’, ‘get’ or ‘request’)


function validateToken(string $action, string $type = 'post', bool $reset = true): bool

Only patrons with valid tokens can ride this ride.

Type Parameter Description
string $action The action to validate the token for
string $type The type of request (get, request, or post)
bool $reset Whether to reset the token and display an error if validation fails


function cleanTokens(bool $complete = false): void

Removes old unused tokens from session defaults to 3 hours before a token is considered expired if $complete = true will remove all tokens

Type Parameter Description
bool $complete Whether to remove all tokens or only expired ones


function checkSubmitOnce(string $action, bool $is_fatal = true): void|bool

Check whether a form has been submitted twice.

Registers a sequence number for a form. Checks whether a submitted sequence number is registered in the current session. Depending on the value of is_fatal shows an error or returns true or false. Frees a sequence number from the stack after it’s been checked. Frees a sequence number without checking if action == ‘free’.

Type Parameter Description
string $action The action - can be ‘register’, ‘check’ or ‘free’
bool $is_fatal Whether to die with a fatal error


function allowedTo(string|array $permission, int|array $boards = null, bool $any = false): bool

Check the user’s permissions.

checks whether the user is allowed to do permission. (ie. post_new.) If boards is specified, checks those boards instead of the current one. If any is true, will return true if the user has the permission on any of the specified boards Always returns true if the user is an administrator.

Type Parameter Description
string|array $permission A single permission to check or an array of permissions to check
int|array $boards The ID of a board or an array of board IDs if we want to check board-level permissions
bool $any Whether to check for permission on at least one board instead of all boards
Integration hooks


function isAllowedTo(string|array $permission, int|array $boards = null, bool $any = false): void

Fatal error if they cannot.

Uses allowedTo() to check if the user is allowed to do permission. Checks the passed boards or current board for the permission. If $any is true, the user only needs permission on at least one of the boards to pass If they are not, it loads the Errors language file and shows an error using $txt[‘cannot_’ . $permission]. If they are a guest and cannot do it, this calls is_not_guest().

Type Parameter Description
string|array $permission A single permission to check or an array of permissions to check
int|array $boards The ID of a single board or an array of board IDs if we’re checking board-level permissions (null otherwise)
bool $any Whether to check for permission on at least one board instead of all boards
Integration hooks


function boardsAllowedTo(string|array $permissions, bool $check_access = true, bool $simple = true): array

Return the boards a user has a certain (board) permission on. (array(0) if all.)

Type Parameter Description
string|array $permissions A single permission to check or an array of permissions to check
bool $check_access Whether to check only the boards the user has access to
bool $simple Whether to return a simple array of board IDs or one with permissions as the keys
Integration hooks


function spamProtection(string $error_type, bool $only_return_result = true): bool

This function attempts to protect from spammed messages and the like.

The time taken depends on error_type - generally uses the modSetting.

Type Parameter Description
string $error_type The error type. Also used as a $txt index (not an actual string).
bool $only_return_result Whether you want the function to die with a fatal_lang_error.
Integration hooks


function secureDirectory(string|array $paths, bool $attachments = false): bool|array

A generic function to create a pair of index.php and .htaccess files in a directory

Type Parameter Description
string|array $paths The (absolute) directory path
bool $attachments Whether this is an attachment directory


function frameOptionsHeader(string $override = null): void

This sets the X-Frame-Options header.

Type Parameter Description
string $override An option to override (either ‘SAMEORIGIN’ or ‘DENY’)


 * Determines if the HTTP origin is an authorized one.
 * @param string $origin
 * @since 2.1
function get_allowed_http_origin($origin)


function corsPolicyHeader(bool $set_header = true): void

This sets the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header.

Type Parameter Description
bool $set_header (Default: true): When false, we will do the logic, but not send the headers. The relevant logic is still saved in the $context and can be sent manually.

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