Unofficial SMF API Documentation



function Groups(): void

Entry point function, permission checks, admin bars, etc.

It allows moderators and users to access the group showing functions. It handles permission checks, and puts the moderation bar on as required.

Integration hooks


function GroupList(): void

This very simply lists the groups, nothing snazy.


function MembergroupMembers(): void

Display members of a group, and allow adding of members to a group. Silly function name though ;) It can be called from ManageMembergroups if it needs templating within the admin environment.

It shows a list of members that are part of a given membergroup. It is called by ?action=moderate;area=viewgroups;sa=members;group=x It requires the manage_membergroups permission. It allows to add and remove members from the selected membergroup. It allows sorting on several columns. It redirects to itself.


function GroupRequests(): void

Show and manage all group requests.


function list_getGroupRequestCount(string $where, array $where_parameters): int

Callback function for createList().

Type Parameter Description
string $where The WHERE clause for the query
array $where_parameters The parameters for the WHERE clause


function list_getGroupRequests2(int $start, int $items_per_page, string $sort, string $where, array $where_parameters): array

Callback function for createList()

Type Parameter Description
int $start The result to start with
int $items_per_page The number of items per page
string $sort An SQL sort expression (column/direction)
string $where Data for the WHERE clause
array $where_parameters Parameter values to be inserted into the WHERE clause

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