Unofficial SMF API Documentation



function get_tzid_metazones(string $when = 'now'): array

Returns an array that instructs SMF how to map specific time zones (e.g. “America/Denver”) onto the user-friendly “meta-zone” labels that most people think of as time zones (e.g. “Mountain Time”).

Type Parameter Description
string $when The date/time used to determine fallback values.
    May be a Unix timestamp or any string that strtotime() can understand.
    Defaults to ‘now’.
Integration hooks


function get_sorted_tzids_for_country(string $country_code, string $when = 'now'): array

Returns an array of all the time zones in a country, ranked according to population and/or political significance.

Type Parameter Description
string $country_code The two-character ISO-3166 code for a country.
string $when The date/time used to determine fallback values.
    May be a Unix timestamp or any string that strtotime() can understand.
    Defaults to ‘now’.
Integration hooks


function get_tzid_fallbacks(array $tzids, string $when = 'now'): array

Checks a list of time zone identifiers to make sure they are all defined in the installed version of the time zone database, and returns an array of key-value substitution pairs.

For defined time zone identifiers, the substitution value will be identical to the original value. For undefined ones, the substitute will be a time zone identifier that was equivalent to the missing one at the specified time, or an empty string if there was no equivalent at that time.

Note: These fallbacks do not need to include every new time zone ever. They only need to cover any that are used in $tzid_metazones.

To find the date & time when a new time zone comes into effect, check the TZDB changelog at

Type Parameter Description
array $tzids The time zone identifiers to check.
string $when The date/time used to determine substitute values.
    May be a Unix timestamp or any string that strtotime() can understand.
    Defaults to ‘now’.
Integration hooks


function validate_iso_country_codes(array|string $country_codes, bool $as_csv = false): array|string

Validates a set of two-character ISO 3166-1 country codes.

Type Parameter Description
array|string $country_codes Array or CSV string of country codes.
bool $as_csv If true, return CSV string instead of array.

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