Unofficial SMF API Documentation



function deleteMembers(int|array $users, bool $check_not_admin = false): void

Delete one or more members.

Requires profile_remove_own or profile_remove_any permission for respectively removing your own account or any account. Non-admins cannot delete admins. The function:

Type Parameter Description
int|array $users The ID of a user or an array of user IDs
bool $check_not_admin Whether to verify that the users aren’t admins
Integration hooks


function registerMember(array &$regOptions, bool $return_errors = false): int|array

Registers a member to the forum.

Allows two types of interface: ‘guest’ and ‘admin’. The first includes hammering protection, the latter can perform the registration silently. The strings used in the options array are assumed to be escaped. Allows to perform several checks on the input, e.g. reserved names. The function will adjust member statistics. If an error is detected will fatal error on all errors unless return_errors is true.

Type Parameter Description
array $regOptions An array of registration options
bool $return_errors Whether to return the errors
Integration hooks


function isReservedName(string $name, int $current_id_member = 0, bool $is_name = true, bool $fatal = true): bool|void

Check if a name is in the reserved words list.

(name, current member id, name/username?.)

Type Parameter Description
string $name The name to check
int $current_id_member The ID of the current member (to avoid false positives with the current member)
bool $is_name Whether we’re checking against reserved names or just usernames
bool $fatal Whether to die with a fatal error if the name is reserved
Integration hooks


function groupsAllowedTo(string $permission, int $board_id = null): array

Retrieves a list of membergroups that have the given permission, either on a given board or in general.

If board_id is not null, a board permission is assumed. The function takes different permission settings into account.

Type Parameter Description
string $permission The permission to check
int $board_id = null If set, checks permissions for the specified board
Integration hooks


function membersAllowedTo(string $permission, int $board_id = null): array

Retrieves a list of members that have a given permission (on a given board).

If board_id is not null, a board permission is assumed. Takes different permission settings into account. Takes possible moderators (on board ‘board_id’) into account.

Type Parameter Description
string $permission The permission to check
int $board_id If set, checks permission for that specific board


function reattributePosts(int $memID, bool|string $email = false, bool|string $membername = false, bool $post_count = false): array

This function is used to reassociate members with relevant posts.

Reattribute guest posts to a specified member. Does not check for any permissions. If add_to_post_count is set, the member’s post count is increased.

Type Parameter Description
int $memID The ID of the original poster
bool|string $email If set, should be the email of the poster
bool|string $membername If set, the membername of the poster
bool $post_count Whether to adjust post counts
Integration hooks


function BuddyListToggle(): void

This simple function adds/removes the passed user from the current users buddy list.

Requires profile_identity_own permission. Called by ?action=buddy;u=x;session_id=y. Redirects to ?action=profile;u=x.


function list_getMembers(int $start, int $items_per_page, string $sort, string $where, array $where_params = array(), bool $get_duplicates = false): array

Callback for createList().

Type Parameter Description
int $start Which item to start with (for pagination purposes)
int $items_per_page How many items to show per page
string $sort An SQL query indicating how to sort the results
string $where An SQL query used to filter the results
array $where_params An array of parameters for $where
bool $get_duplicates Whether to get duplicates (used for the admin member list)


function list_getNumMembers(string $where, array $where_params = array()): int

Callback for createList().

Type Parameter Description
string $where An SQL query to filter the results
array $where_params An array of parameters for $where


function populateDuplicateMembers(array &$members): void

Find potential duplicate registration members based on the same IP address

Type Parameter Description
array $members An array of members


function generateValidationCode(): string

Generate a random validation code.

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