Unofficial SMF API Documentation



function ViewModlog(): void

Prepares the information from the moderation log for viewing.

Show the moderation log. If clearing the log, leaves a message in the log to indicate it was cleared, by whom and when. Requires the admin_forum permission. Accessed via ?action=moderate;area=modlog.

Uses Modlog template, main sub-template.

Integration hooks


function list_getModLogEntryCount(string $query_string = '', array $query_params = array(), int $log_type = 1, bool $ignore_boards = false): void

Get the number of mod log entries.

Callback for createList() in ViewModlog().

Type Parameter Description
string $query_string An extra string for the WHERE clause in the query to further filter results
array $query_params An array of parameters for the query_string
int $log_type The log type (1 for mod log, 3 for admin log)
bool $ignore_boards Whether to ignore board restrictions


function list_getModLogEntries(int $start, int $items_per_page, string $sort, string $query_string = '', array $query_params = array(), int $log_type = 1, bool $ignore_boards = false): array

Gets the moderation log entries that match the specified parameters.

Callback for createList() in ViewModlog().

Type Parameter Description
int $start The item to start with (for pagination purposes)
int $items_per_page The number of items to show per page
string $sort A string indicating how to sort the results
string $query_string An extra string for the WHERE clause of the query, to further filter results
array $query_params An array of parameters for the query string
int $log_type The log type - 1 for mod log or 3 for admin log
bool $ignore_boards Whether to ignore board restrictions

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