Unofficial SMF API Documentation



function get_single_theme(int $id, array $variables = array()): array

Gets a single theme’s info.

Type Parameter Description
int $id The theme ID to get the info from.
string[] $variables  
Integration hooks


function get_all_themes(bool $enable_only = false): void

Loads and returns all installed themes.

Stores all themes on $context[‘themes’] for easier use.

$modSettings[‘knownThemes’] stores themes that the user is able to select.

Type Parameter Description
bool $enable_only Whether to fetch only enabled themes. Default is false.
Integration hooks


function get_installed_themes(): void

Loads and returns all installed themes.

Stores all themes on $context[‘themes’] for easier use.

$modSettings[‘knownThemes’] stores themes that the user is able to select.

Integration hooks


function get_theme_info(string $path): array

Reads an .xml file and returns the data as an array

Removes the entire theme if the .xml file couldn’t be found or read.

Type Parameter Description
string $path The absolute path to the xml file.


function theme_install(array $to_install = array()): int

Inserts a theme’s data to the DataBase.

Ends execution with fatal_lang_error() if an error appears.

Type Parameter Description
array $to_install An array containing all values to be stored into the DB.
Integration hooks


function remove_dir(string $path): bool

Removes a directory from the themes dir.

This is a recursive function, it will call itself if there are subdirs inside the main directory.

Type Parameter Description
string $path The absolute path to the directory to be removed


function remove_theme(int $themeID): bool

Removes a theme from the DB, includes all possible places where the theme might be used.

Type Parameter Description
int $themeID The theme ID


function get_file_listing(string $path, string $relative): array

Generates a file listing for a given directory

Type Parameter Description
string $path The full path to the directory
string $relative The relative path (relative to the Themes directory)

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