Unofficial SMF API Documentation



function automanage_attachments_check_directory(): void|bool

Check if the current directory is still valid or not.

If not creates the new directory


function automanage_attachments_create_directory(string $updir): bool

Creates a directory

Type Parameter Description
string $updir The directory to be created


function is_path_allowed(string $path): bool

Check if open_basedir restrictions are in effect.

If so check if the path is allowed.

Type Parameter Description
string $path The path to check


function automanage_attachments_by_space(): void|bool

Called when a directory space limit is reached.

Creates a new directory and increments the directory suffix number.


function get_directory_tree_elements(string $directory): array|bool

Split a path into a list of all directories and subdirectories

Type Parameter Description
string $directory A path


function attachments_init_dir(array &$tree, int &$count): string|bool

Return the first part of a path (i.e. c:\ or / + the first directory), used by automanage_attachments_create_directory

Type Parameter Description
array $tree An array
int $count The number of elements in $tree


function processAttachments(): void

Moves an attachment to the proper directory and set the relevant data into $_SESSION[‘temp_attachments’]

Integration hooks


function attachmentChecks(int $attachID): bool

Performs various checks on an uploaded file.

Type Parameter Description
int $attachID The ID of the attachment


function createAttachment(array &$attachmentOptions): bool

Create an attachment, with the given array of parameters.

Type Parameter Description
array $attachmentOptions An array of attachment options
Integration hooks


function assignAttachments(??? $attachIDs = array(), ??? $msgID = 0): bool

Assigns the given attachments to the given message ID.

Type Parameter Description
null $attachIDs array of attachment IDs to assign.
null $msgID integer the message ID.
Integration hooks


function parseAttachBBC(int $attachID = 0): mixed

Gets an attach ID and tries to load all its info.

Type Parameter Description
int $attachID the attachment ID to load info from.
Integration hooks


function getRawAttachInfo(array $attachIDs): array

Gets raw info directly from the attachments table.

Type Parameter Description
array $attachIDs An array of attachments IDs.


function getAttachMsgInfo(int $attachID): array

Gets all needed message data associated with an attach ID

Type Parameter Description
int $attachID the attachment ID to load info from.


function loadAttachmentContext(int $id_msg, array $attachments): array

This loads an attachment’s contextual data including, most importantly, its size if it is an image.

It requires the view_attachments permission to calculate image size. It attempts to keep the “aspect ratio” of the posted image in line, even if it has to be resized by the max_image_width and max_image_height settings.

Type Parameter Description
int $id_msg ID of the post to load attachments for
array $attachments An array of already loaded attachments. This function no longer depends on having $topic declared, thus, you need to load the actual topic ID for each attachment.


function prepareAttachsByMsg(int $msgIDs): void

prepare the Attachment api for all messages

Type Parameter Description
int `` array $msgIDs the message ID to load info from.

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