Unofficial SMF API Documentation



function activateAccount(int $memID): void

Activate an account.

Type Parameter Description
int $memID The ID of the member whose account we’re activating
Integration hooks


function issueWarning(int $memID): void

Issue/manage an user’s warning status.

Type Parameter Description
int $memID The ID of the user


function list_getUserWarningCount(int $memID): int

Get the number of warnings a user has. Callback for $listOptions[‘get_count’] in issueWarning()

Type Parameter Description
int $memID The ID of the user


function list_getUserWarnings(int $start, int $items_per_page, string $sort, int $memID): array

Get the data about a user’s warnings. Callback function for the list in issueWarning()

Type Parameter Description
int $start The item to start with (for pagination purposes)
int $items_per_page How many items to show on each page
string $sort A string indicating how to sort the results
int $memID The member ID


function deleteAccount(int $memID): void

Present a screen to make sure the user wants to be deleted

Type Parameter Description
int $memID The member ID


function deleteAccount2(int $memID): void

Actually delete an account.

Type Parameter Description
int $memID The member ID


function subscriptions(int $memID): void

Function for doing all the paid subscription stuff - kinda.

Type Parameter Description
int $memID The ID of the user whose subscriptions we’re viewing

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