Unofficial SMF API Documentation

Formatting Numbers

Number skeletons are a locale-agnostic way to configure a NumberFormatter in ICU. Number skeletons work in MessageFormat.


sign-always compact-short currency/GBP

└─ stem ──┘ └── stem ───┘ └─stem─┘ └option┘
└─ token ─┘ └── token ──┘ └── token ─┘
// Language file
$txt['sample'] = 'You have {0, number, :: +! K currency/GBP} left.';

// Source code
\SMF\Lang::getTxt('sample', [45.18]);
You have £45.18 left.

Skeleton Stems and Options

The full set of features supported by number skeletons is listed by category below.


Use one of the following stems to select compact or simple notation:

There are two ways to select scientific or engineering notation: using long-form syntax or concise syntax.

Scientific and Engineering Notation: Long Form

Start with the stem scientific or engineering. Those stems take the following optional options:

For example, all the following skeletons are valid:

Scientific and Engineering Notation: Concise Form

The following are examples of concise form:

Concise Skeleton Equivalent Long-Form Skeleton
E0 scientific
E00 scientific/*ee
EE+!0 engineering/sign-always
E+?00 scientific/sign-except-zero/+ee

More precisely:

  1. Start with E for scientific or EE for engineering.
  2. Allow either +! or +? as a concise sign display option.
  3. Expect one or more 0s. If more than one, set minimum integer digits.


The supported types of units are percent, currency, and measurement units. The following skeleton tokens are accepted:

The percent, permille, and base-unit stems do not take any options.

The currency stem takes one required option: the three-letter ISO code of the currency to be formatted.

The measure-unit stem takes one required option: the unit identifier of the unit to be formatted. The full unit identifier is required: both the type and the subtype (for example, length-meter).

The unit stem is an alternative to measure-unit that accepts a core unit identifier with the subtype but not the type (for example, meter instead of length-meter). It also supports variations allowed by UTS 35, including the per unit with the -per- infix (for example, unit/furlong-per-second).

Per Unit

To specify a unit to put in the denominator, use the following skeleton token. As with the measure-unit stem, pass the unit identifier as the option:

If the unit stem is used, the denominator can be placed in the same token as the numerator.

Unit Width

The unit width can be specified by the following stems:

For more details, see UNumberUnitWidth.


The precision category has more blueprint stems than most other categories; they are documented in detail below. The following non-blueprint stems are accepted:

To round to the nearest nickel, for example, use the skeleton precision-increment/0.05. For more information on the decimal number syntax, see Scale.

precision-increment/dddd implies minimum and maximum fraction digits equal to the precision of the decimal. There is not currently a way in skeleton syntax to specify an arbitrary min/max fraction digits when a rounding increment is used.

All rounding occurs after the number is scaled, such as in scientific notation or the scale skeleton.

Fraction Precision

The following are examples of fraction-precision stems:

Stem Explanation Equivalent C++ Code
.00 Exactly 2 fraction digits Precision::fixedFraction(2)
.00* At least 2 fraction digits Precision::minFraction(2)
.## At most 2 fraction digits Precision::maxFraction(2)
.0# Between 1 and 2 fraction digits Precision::minMaxFraction(1, 2)

More precisely, the fraction precision stem starts with ., then contains zero or more 0 symbols, which implies the minimum fraction digits. Then it contains either a *, for unlimited maximum fraction digits, or zero or more # symbols, which implies the minimum fraction digits when added to the 0 symbols.

Note that the stem . is considered valid and is equivalent to precision-integer.

Fraction-precision stems accept a single optional option: a number of significant digits. The options here correspond to the API functions on FractionPrecision. Some options require specifying r or s for relaxed mode or strict mode. For more information, see the API docs for UNumberRoundingPriority.

Skeleton Explanation Equivalent C++ Code
.##/@@@* At most 2 fraction digits, but guarantee
at least 3 significant digits
.##/@##r Same as above Precision::maxFraction(2)
.withSignificantDigits(1, 3, RELAXED)
.##/@@@r Same as above, but pad trailing zeros
to at least 3 significant digits
.withSignificantDigits(3, 3, RELAXED)
.00/@## Exactly 2 fraction digits, but do not
display more than 3 significant digits
.00/@##s Same as above Precision::fixedFraction(2)
.withSignificantDigits(1, 3, STRICT)
.00/@@@s Same as above, but pad trailing zeros
to at least 3 significant digits
.withSignificantDigits(3, 3, STRICT)

Precisely, the option follows the syntax of the significant digits stem (see below), but one of the following must be true:

Significant Digits Precision

The following are examples of stems for significant figures:

Stem Explanation Equivalent C++ Code
@@@ Exactly 3 significant digits Precision::fixedSignificantDigits(3)
@@@* At least 3 significant digits Precision::minSignificantDigits(3)
@## At most 3 significant digits Precision::maxSignificantDigits(3)
@@# Between 2 and 3 significant digits ...::minMaxSignificantDigits(2, 3)

The precise syntax is very similar to fraction precision. The blueprint stem starts with one or more @ symbols, which implies the minimum significant digits. Then it contains either a *, for unlimited maximum significant digits, or zero or more # symbols, which implies the minimum significant digits when added to the @ symbols.

Trailing Zero Display

Starting with ICU 69, a new option called trailingZeroDisplay was added. To enable this in an ICU number skeleton, append /w to any precision token:

Skeleton Explanation Equivalent C++ Code
.00/w Exactly 2 fraction digits, but hide
them if they are all 0
Currency rounding, but hide
fraction digits if they are all 0

Wildcard Character

Prior to ICU 67, the symbol + was used for unlimited precision, instead of * (for example, .00+). For backwards compatibility, either + or * is accepted. This applies for both fraction digits and significant digits.

Rounding Mode

The rounding mode can be specified by the following stems:

For more details, see Rounding Modes.

Integer Width

The following examples show how to specify integer width (minimum or maximum integer digits):

Long Form Concise Form Explanation Equivalent C++ Code
integer-width/*000 000 At least 3
integer digits
integer-width/##0 - Between 1 and 3
integer digits
integer-width/00 - Exactly 2
integer digits
integer-width/* - Zero or more
integer digits
integer-width-trunc - Zero integer digits IntegerWidth::zeroFillTo(0)

The long-form option starts with either a single * symbol, signaling no limit on the number of integer digits (no truncateAt), or zero or more # symbols. It should then be followed by zero or more 0 symbols, indicating the minimum integer digits (the argument to zeroFillTo). If there is no * symbol, the maximum integer digits (the argument to truncateAt) is the number of # symbols plus the number of 0 symbols.

The concise skeleton is simply one or more 0 characters. This supports minimum integer digits but not maximum integer digits.

The special stem integer-width-trunc covers the case when both truncateAt and zeroFillTo are zero.

Prior to ICU 67, use the symbol + instead of *.


To specify the scale, use the following stem and option:

where dddd is a decimal number. For example, the following are valid skeletons:

The decimal number should conform to a standard decimal number syntax. In C++, it is parsed using the decimal number library described in LocalizedNumberFormatter::formatDecimal. In Java, it is parsed using BigDecimal. For maximum compatibility, it is highly recommended that your decimal number is able to be parsed by both engines.


The grouping strategy can be specified by the following stems:


The following stems are allowed for specifying the number symbols:

Sign Display

The following stems specify sign display:

Decimal Separator Display

The following stems specify decimal separator display:

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