Unofficial SMF API Documentation



function preparsecode(string &$message, bool $previewing = false): void

Takes a message and parses it, returning nothing.

Cleans up links (javascript, etc.) and code/quote sections. Won’t convert \n’s and a few other things if previewing is true.

Type Parameter Description
string $message The mesasge
bool $previewing Whether we’re previewing
Integration hooks


function un_preparsecode(string $message): void

This is very simple, and just removes things done by preparsecode.

Type Parameter Description
string $message The message
Integration hooks


function fixTags(string &$message): void

Fix any URLs posted - ie. remove ‘javascript:’.

Used by preparsecode, fixes links in message and returns nothing.

Type Parameter Description
string $message The message


function fixTag(string &$message, string $myTag, string $protocols, bool $embeddedUrl = false, bool $hasEqualSign = false, bool $hasExtra = false): void

Fix a specific class of tag - ie. url with =.

Used by fixTags, fixes a specific tag’s links.

Type Parameter Description
string $message The message
string $myTag The tag
string $protocols The protocols
bool $embeddedUrl Whether it can be set to something
bool $hasEqualSign Whether it is set to something
bool $hasExtra Whether it can have extra cruft after the begin tag.


function sendmail(array $to, string $subject, string $message, string $from = null, string $message_id = null, bool $send_html = false, int $priority = 3, bool $hotmail_fix = null, bool $is_private = false): bool

This function sends an email to the specified recipient(s).

It uses the mail_type settings and webmaster_email variable.

Type Parameter Description
array $to The email(s) to send to
string $subject Email subject, expected to have entities, and slashes, but not be parsed
string $message Email body, expected to have slashes, no htmlentities
string $from The address to use for replies
string $message_id If specified, it will be used as local part of the Message-ID header.
bool $send_html Whether or not the message is HTML vs. plain text
int $priority The priority of the message
bool $hotmail_fix Whether to apply the “hotmail fix”
bool $is_private Whether this is private
Integration hooks


function AddMailQueue(bool $flush = false, array $to_array = array(), string $subject = '', string $message = '', string $headers = '', bool $send_html = false, int $priority = 3, bool $is_private = false): bool

Add an email to the mail queue.

Type Parameter Description
bool $flush Whether to flush the queue
array $to_array An array of recipients
string $subject The subject of the message
string $message The message
string $headers The headers
bool $send_html Whether to send in HTML format
int $priority The priority
bool $is_private Whether this is private


function sendpm(array $recipients, string $subject, string $message, bool $store_outbox = false, array $from = null, int $pm_head = 0): array

Sends an personal message from the specified person to the specified people ($from defaults to the user)

Type Parameter Description
array $recipients An array containing the arrays ‘to’ and ‘bcc’, both containing id_member’s.
string $subject Should have no slashes and no html entities
string $message Should have no slashes and no html entities
bool $store_outbox Whether to store it in the sender’s outbox
array $from An array with the id, name, and username of the member.
int $pm_head The ID of the chain being replied to - if any.
Integration hooks


function mimespecialchars(string $string, bool $with_charset = true, bool $hotmail_fix = false, string $line_break = "\r\n", string $custom_charset = null): array

Prepare text strings for sending as email body or header.

In case there are higher ASCII characters in the given string, this function will attempt the transport method ‘quoted-printable’. Otherwise the transport method ‘7bit’ is used.

Type Parameter Description
string $string The string
bool $with_charset Whether we’re specifying a charset ($custom_charset must be set here)
bool $hotmail_fix Whether to apply the hotmail fix (all higher ASCII characters are converted to HTML entities to assure proper display of the mail)
string $line_break The linebreak
string $custom_charset If set, it uses this character set


function smtp_mail(array $mail_to_array, string $subject, string $message, string $headers): bool

Sends mail, like mail() but over SMTP.

It expects no slashes or entities.

Type Parameter Description
array $mail_to_array Array of strings (email addresses)
string $subject Email subject
string $message Email message
string $headers Email headers


function server_parse(string $message, resource $socket, string $code, string &$response = null): bool

Parse a message to the SMTP server.

Sends the specified message to the server, and checks for the expected response.

Type Parameter Description
string $message The message to send
resource $socket Socket to send on
string $code The expected response code
string $response The response from the SMTP server


function SpellCheck(): void

Spell checks the post for typos ;).

It uses the pspell or enchant library, one of which MUST be installed. It has problems with internationalization. It is accessed via ?action=spellcheck.


function sendNotifications(array $topics, string $type, array $exclude = array(), array $members_only = array()): void

Sends a notification to members who have elected to receive emails when things happen to a topic, such as replies are posted.

The function automatically finds the subject and its board, and checks permissions for each member who is “signed up” for notifications. It will not send ‘reply’ notifications more than once in a row. Uses Post language file

Type Parameter Description
array $topics Represents the topics the action is happening to.
string $type Can be any of reply, sticky, lock, unlock, remove, move, merge, and split. An appropriate message will be sent for each.
array $exclude Members in the exclude array will not be processed for the topic with the same key.
array $members_only Are the only ones that will be sent the notification if they have it on.


function createPost(array &$msgOptions, array &$topicOptions, array &$posterOptions): bool

Create a post, either as new topic (id_topic = 0) or in an existing one.

The input parameters of this function assume:

Type Parameter Description
array $msgOptions An array of information/options for the post
array $topicOptions An array of information/options for the topic
array $posterOptions An array of information/options for the poster
Integration hooks


function modifyPost(array &$msgOptions, array &$topicOptions, array &$posterOptions): bool

Modifying a post.


Type Parameter Description
array \&$msgOptions An array of information/options for the post
array \&$topicOptions An array of information/options for the topic
array \&$posterOptions An array of information/options for the poster
Integration hooks


function approvePosts(array $msgs, bool $approve = true, bool $notify = true): bool

Approve (or not) some posts… without permission checks.


Type Parameter Description
array $msgs Array of message ids
bool $approve Whether to approve the posts (if false, posts are unapproved)
bool $notify Whether to notify users
Integration hooks


function approveTopics(array $topics, bool $approve = true): bool

Approve topics?

Type Parameter Description
array $topics Array of topic ids
bool $approve Whether to approve the topics. If false, unapproves them instead


function clearApprovalAlerts(array $content_ids, string $content_action): void

Upon approval, clear unread alerts.

Type Parameter Description
int[] $content_ids either id_msgs or id_topics
string $content_action will be either ‘unapproved_post’ or ‘unapproved_topic’


function updateLastMessages(array $setboards, int $id_msg = 0): void|false

Takes an array of board IDs and updates their last messages.

If the board has a parent, that parent board is also automatically updated. The columns updated are id_last_msg and last_updated. Note that id_last_msg should always be updated using this function, and is not automatically updated upon other changes.

Type Parameter Description
array $setboards An array of board IDs
int $id_msg The ID of the message


function adminNotify(string $type, int $memberID, string $member_name = null): void

This simple function gets a list of all administrators and sends them an email to let them know a new member has joined.

Called by registerMember() function in Subs-Members.php. Email is sent to all groups that have the moderate_forum permission. The language set by each member is being used (if available). Uses the Login language file

Type Parameter Description
string $type The type. Types supported are ‘approval’, ‘activation’, and ‘standard’.
int $memberID The ID of the member
string $member_name The name of the member (if null, it is pulled from the database)


function loadEmailTemplate(string $template, array $replacements = array(), string $lang = '', bool $loadLang = true): array

Load a template from EmailTemplates language file.

Type Parameter Description
string $template The name of the template to load
array $replacements An array of replacements for the variables in the template
string $lang The language to use, if different than the user’s current language
bool $loadLang Whether to load the language file first


function user_info_callback(array $matches): string

Callback function for loademaitemplate on subject and body Uses capture group 1 in array

Type Parameter Description
array $matches An array of matches


function spell_init(): resource|bool


Sets up a dictionary resource handle. Tries enchant first then falls through to pspell.


function spell_check(resource $dict, string $word): bool


Determines whether or not the specified word is spelled correctly

Type Parameter Description
resource $dict An enchant or pspell dictionary resource set up by {@link spell_init()}
string $word A word to check the spelling of


function spell_suggest(resource $dict, string $word): array


Returns an array of suggested replacements for the specified word

Type Parameter Description
resource $dict An enchant or pspell dictionary resource
string $word A misspelled word

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