Unofficial SMF API Documentation



function getBirthdayRange(string $low_date, string $high_date): array

Get all birthdays within the given time range.

finds all the birthdays in the specified range of days. works with birthdays set for no year, or any other year, and respects month and year boundaries.

Type Parameter Description
string $low_date The low end of the range, inclusive, in YYYY-MM-DD format
string $high_date The high end of the range, inclusive, in YYYY-MM-DD format


function getEventRange(string $low_date, string $high_date, bool $use_permissions = true): array

Get all calendar events within the given time range.

Type Parameter Description
string $low_date The low end of the range, inclusive, in YYYY-MM-DD format
string $high_date The high end of the range, inclusive, in YYYY-MM-DD format
bool $use_permissions Whether to use permissions


function getHolidayRange(string $low_date, string $high_date): array

Get all holidays within the given time range.

Type Parameter Description
string $low_date The low end of the range, inclusive, in YYYY-MM-DD format
string $high_date The high end of the range, inclusive, in YYYY-MM-DD format


function canLinkEvent(): void

Does permission checks to see if an event can be linked to a board/topic.

checks if the current user can link the current topic to the calendar, permissions et al. this requires the calendar_post permission, a forum moderator, or a topic starter. expects the $topic and $board variables to be set. if the user doesn’t have proper permissions, an error will be shown.


function getTodayInfo(): array

Returns date information about ‘today’ relative to the users time offset.

returns an array with the current date, day, month, and year. takes the users time offset into account.


function getCalendarGrid(string $selected_date, array $calendarOptions, bool $is_previous = false, bool $has_picker = true): array

Provides information (link, month, year) about the previous and next month.

Type Parameter Description
string $selected_date A date in YYYY-MM-DD format
array $calendarOptions An array of calendar options
bool $is_previous Whether this is the previous month
bool $has_picker Wheter to add javascript to handle a date picker


function getCalendarWeek(string $selected_date, array $calendarOptions): array

Returns the information needed to show a calendar for the given week.

Type Parameter Description
string $selected_date A date in YYYY-MM-DD format
array $calendarOptions An array of calendar options


function getCalendarList(string $start_date, string $end_date, array $calendarOptions): array

Returns the information needed to show a list of upcoming events, birthdays, and holidays on the calendar.

Type Parameter Description
string $start_date The start of a date range in YYYY-MM-DD format
string $end_date The end of a date range in YYYY-MM-DD format
array $calendarOptions An array of calendar options


function loadDatePicker(string $selector = 'input.date_input', string $date_format = ''): void

Loads the necessary JavaScript and CSS to create a datepicker.

Type Parameter Description
string $selector A CSS selector for the input field(s) that the datepicker should be attached to.
string $date_format The date format to use, in strftime() format.


function loadTimePicker(string $selector = 'input.time_input', string $time_format = ''): void

Loads the necessary JavaScript and CSS to create a timepicker.

Type Parameter Description
string $selector A CSS selector for the input field(s) that the timepicker should be attached to.
string $time_format A time format in strftime format


function loadDatePair(string $container, string $date_class = '', string $time_class = ''): void

Loads the necessary JavaScript for Datepair.js.

Datepair.js helps to keep date ranges sane in the UI.

Type Parameter Description
string $container CSS selector for the containing element of the date/time inputs to be paired.
string $date_class The CSS class of the date inputs to be paired.
string $time_class The CSS class of the time inputs to be paired.


function cache_getOffsetIndependentEvents(array $eventOptions): array

Retrieve all events for the given days, independently of the users offset.

cache callback function used to retrieve the birthdays, holidays, and events between now and now + days_to_index. widens the search range by an extra 24 hours to support time offset shifts. used by the cache_getRecentEvents function to get the information needed to calculate the events taking the users time offset into account.

Type Parameter Description
array $eventOptions With the keys ‘num_days_shown’, ‘include_holidays’, ‘include_birthdays’ and ‘include_events’


function cache_getRecentEvents(array $eventOptions): array

cache callback function used to retrieve the upcoming birthdays, holidays, and events within the given period, taking into account the users time offset.

Called from the BoardIndex to display the current day’s events on the board index used by the board index and SSI to show the upcoming events.

Type Parameter Description
array $eventOptions An array of event options.


function validateEventPost(): void

Makes sure the calendar post is valid.


function getEventPoster(int $event_id): int|bool

Get the event’s poster.

Type Parameter Description
int $event_id The ID of the event


function insertEvent(array &$eventOptions): void

Consolidating the various INSERT statements into this function.

Inserts the passed event information into the calendar table. Allows to either set a time span (in days) or an end_date. Does not check any permissions of any sort.

Type Parameter Description
array $eventOptions An array of event options (‘title’, ‘span’, ‘start_date’, ‘end_date’, etc.)
Integration hooks


function modifyEvent(int $event_id, array &$eventOptions): void

modifies an event.

allows to either set a time span (in days) or an end_date. does not check any permissions of any sort.

Type Parameter Description
int $event_id The ID of the event
array $eventOptions An array of event information
Integration hooks


function removeEvent(int $event_id): void

Remove an event removes an event.

does no permission checks.

Type Parameter Description
int $event_id The ID of the event to remove
Integration hooks


function getEventProperties(int $event_id): array

Gets all the events properties

Type Parameter Description
int $event_id The ID of the event


function getNewEventDatetimes(): array

Gets an initial set of date and time values for creating a new event.


function setEventStartEnd(array $eventOptions = array()): array

Set the start and end dates and times for a posted event for insertion into the database.

Validates all date and times given to it. Makes sure events do not exceed the maximum allowed duration (if any). If passed an array that defines any time or date parameters, they will be used. Otherwise, gets the values from $_POST.

Type Parameter Description
array $eventOptions An array of optional time and date parameters (span, start_year, end_month, etc., etc.)


function buildEventDatetimes(array $row): array

Helper function for getEventRange, getEventProperties, getNewEventDatetimes, etc.

Type Parameter Description
array $row A database row representing an event from the calendar table


function list_getHolidays(int $start, int $items_per_page, string $sort): array

Gets all of the holidays for the listing

Type Parameter Description
int $start The item to start with (for pagination purposes)
int $items_per_page How many items to show on each page
string $sort A string indicating how to sort the results


function list_getNumHolidays(): int

Helper function to get the total number of holidays


function removeHolidays(array $holiday_ids): void

Remove a holiday from the calendar

Type Parameter Description
array $holiday_ids An array of IDs of holidays to delete


function convertDateToEnglish(string $date): string

Helper function to convert date string to english so that date_parse can parse the date

Type Parameter Description
string $date A localized date string

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