Unofficial SMF API Documentation



function updateStats(string $type, mixed $parameter1 = null, mixed $parameter2 = null): void

Update some basic statistics.

‘member’ statistic updates the latest member, the total member count, and the number of unapproved members. ‘member’ also only counts approved members when approval is on, but is much more efficient with it off.

‘message’ changes the total number of messages, and the highest message id by id_msg - which can be parameters 1 and 2, respectively.

‘topic’ updates the total number of topics, or if parameter1 is true simply increments them.

‘subject’ updates the log_search_subjects in the event of a topic being moved, removed or split. parameter1 is the topicid, parameter2 is the new subject

‘postgroups’ case updates those members who match condition’s post-based membergroups in the database (restricted by parameter1).

Type Parameter Description
string $type Stat type - can be ‘member’, ‘message’, ‘topic’, ‘subject’ or ‘postgroups’
mixed $parameter1 A parameter for updating the stats
mixed $parameter2 A 2nd parameter for updating the stats


function updateMemberData(mixed $members, array $data): void

Updates the columns in the members table.

Assumes the data has been htmlspecialchar’d. this function should be used whenever member data needs to be updated in place of an UPDATE query.

id_member is either an int or an array of ints to be updated.

data is an associative array of the columns to be updated and their respective values. any string values updated should be quoted and slashed.

the value of any column can be ‘+’ or ‘-‘, which mean ‘increment’ and decrement, respectively.

if the member’s post number is updated, updates their post groups.

Type Parameter Description
mixed $members An array of member IDs, the ID of a single member, or null to update this for all members
array $data The info to update for the members
Integration hooks


function updateSettings(array $changeArray, bool $update = false): void

Updates the settings table as well as $modSettings… only does one at a time if $update is true.

Type Parameter Description
array $changeArray An array of info about what we’re changing in ‘setting’ => ‘value’ format
bool $update Whether to use an UPDATE query instead of a REPLACE query


function constructPageIndex(string $base_url, int &$start, int $max_value, int $num_per_page, bool $flexible_start = false, bool $show_prevnext = true): string

Constructs a page list.

an example is available near the function definition. $pageindex = constructPageIndex($scripturl . ‘?board=’ . $board, $_REQUEST[‘start’], $num_messages, $maxindex, true);

Type Parameter Description
string $base_url The basic URL to be used for each link.
int \&$start The start position, by reference. If this is not a multiple of the number of items per page, it is sanitized to be so and the value will persist upon the function’s return.
int $max_value The total number of items you are paginating for.
int $num_per_page The number of items to be displayed on a given page. $start will be forced to be a multiple of this value.
bool $flexible_start Whether a ;start=x component should be introduced into the URL automatically (see above)
bool $show_prevnext Whether the Previous and Next links should be shown (should be on only when navigating the list)


function comma_format(float $number, bool|int $override_decimal_count = false): string
Type Parameter Description
float $number A number
bool|int $override_decimal_count If set, will use the specified number of decimal places. Otherwise it’s automatically determined


function timeformat(int $log_time, bool|string $show_today = true, ?string $tzid = null): string

Format a time to make it look purdy.

Type Parameter Description
int $log_time A timestamp
bool|string $show_today Whether to show “Today”/”Yesterday” or just a date.
    If a string is specified, that is used to temporarily override the date format.
null|string $tzid Time zone to use when generating the formatted string.
    If empty, the user’s time zone will be used.
    If set to ‘forum’, the value of $modSettings[‘default_timezone’] will be used.
    If set to a valid time zone identifier, that will be used.
    Otherwise, the value of date_default_timezone_get() will be used.


function get_date_or_time_format(string $type = '', string $format = ''): string

Gets a version of a strftime() format that only shows the date or time components

Type Parameter Description
string $type Either ‘date’ or ‘time’.
string $format A strftime() format to process. Defaults to $user_info[‘time_format’].


function smf_strftime(string $format, int $timestamp = null, string $tzid = null): string

Replacement for strftime() that is compatible with PHP 8.1+.

This does not use the system’s strftime library or locale setting, so results may vary in a few cases from the results of strftime():

Type Parameter Description
string $format A strftime() format string.
int|null $timestamp A Unix timestamp.
    If null, defaults to the current time.
string|null $tzid Time zone identifier.
    If null, uses default time zone.


function smf_gmstrftime(string $format, int $timestamp = null): string

Replacement for gmstrftime() that is compatible with PHP 8.1+.

Calls smf_strftime() with the $tzid parameter set to ‘UTC’.

Type Parameter Description
string $format A strftime() format string.
int|null $timestamp A Unix timestamp.
    If null, defaults to the current time.


function un_htmlspecialchars(string $string): string

Replaces special entities in strings with the real characters.

Functionally equivalent to htmlspecialchars_decode(), except that this also replaces ‘ ’ with a simple space character.

Type Parameter Description
string $string A string


function sanitize_chars(string $string, int $level = 0, ?string $substitute = null): string

Replaces invalid characters with a substitute.

!!! Warning !!! Setting $substitute to ‘’ in order to delete invalid characters from the string can create unexpected security problems. See for an explanation.

Type Parameter Description
string $string The string to sanitize.
int $level Controls filtering of invisible formatting characters.
    0: Allow valid formatting characters. Use for sanitizing text in posts.
    1: Allow necessary formatting characters. Use for sanitizing usernames.
    2: Disallow all formatting characters. Use for internal comparisions
    only, such as in the word censor, search contexts, etc.
    Default: 0.
string|null $substitute Replacement string for the invalid characters.
    If not set, the Unicode replacement character (U+FFFD) will be used
    (or a fallback like “?” if necessary).


function normalize_spaces(string $string, bool $vspace = true, bool $hspace = false, array $options = array()): string

Normalizes space characters and line breaks.

Type Parameter Description
string $string The string to sanitize.
bool $vspace If true, replaces all line breaks and vertical space
    characters with “\n”. Default: true.
bool $hspace If true, replaces horizontal space characters with a
    plain “ “ character. (Note: tabs are not replaced unless the
    ‘replace_tabs’ option is supplied.) Default: false.
array $options An array of boolean options. Possible values are:
    - no_breaks: Vertical spaces are replaced by “ “ instead of “\n”.
    - replace_tabs: If true, tabs are are replaced by “ “ chars.
    - collapse_hspace: If true, removes extra horizontal spaces.


function shorten_subject(string $subject, int $len): string

Shorten a subject + internationalization concerns.

Type Parameter Description
string $subject The subject
int $len How many characters to limit it to


function forum_time(bool $use_user_offset = true, int $timestamp = null): int

Deprecated function that formerly applied manual offsets to Unix timestamps in order to provide a fake version of time zone support on ancient versions of PHP. It now simply returns an unaltered timestamp.

Type Parameter Description
bool $use_user_offset This parameter is deprecated and nonfunctional
int $timestamp A timestamp (null to use current time)


function permute(array $array): array

Calculates all the possible permutations (orders) of array.

should not be called on huge arrays (bigger than like 10 elements.) returns an array containing each permutation.

Type Parameter Description
array $array An array


function get_signature_allowed_bbc_tags(): array

Return an array with allowed bbc tags for signatures, that can be passed to parse_bbc().


function parse_bbc(string|bool $message, bool $smileys = true, string $cache_id = '', array $parse_tags = array()): string

Parse bulletin board code in a string, as well as smileys optionally.

Type Parameter Description
string|bool $message The message.
    When a empty string, nothing is done.
    When false we provide a list of BBC codes available.
    When a string, the message is parsed and bbc handled.
bool $smileys Whether to parse smileys as well
string $cache_id The cache ID
array $parse_tags If set, only parses these tags rather than all of them
Integration hooks


function parsesmileys(string &$message): void

Parse smileys in the passed message.

The smiley parsing function which makes pretty faces appear :). If custom smiley sets are turned off by smiley_enable, the default set of smileys will be used. These are specifically not parsed in code tags [] Caches the smileys from the database or array in memory. Doesn’t return anything, but rather modifies message directly.

Type Parameter Description
string \&$message The message to parse smileys in
Integration hooks


function highlight_php_code(string $code): string

Highlight any code.

Uses PHP’s highlight_string() to highlight PHP syntax does special handling to keep the tabs in the code available. used to parse PHP code from inside [code] and [php] tags.

Type Parameter Description
string $code The code


function get_proxied_url(string $url): string

Gets the appropriate URL to use for images (or whatever) when using SSL

The returned URL may or may not be a proxied URL, depending on the situation. Mods can implement alternative proxies using the ‘integrate_proxy’ hook.

Type Parameter Description
string $url The original URL of the requested resource
Integration hooks


function redirectexit(string $setLocation = '', bool $refresh = false, bool $permanent = false): void

Make sure the browser doesn’t come back and repost the form data.

Should be used whenever anything is posted.

Type Parameter Description
string $setLocation The URL to redirect them to
bool $refresh Whether to use a meta refresh instead
bool $permanent Whether to send a 301 Moved Permanently instead of a 302 Moved Temporarily
Integration hooks


function obExit(bool $header = null, bool $do_footer = null, bool $from_index = false, bool $from_fatal_error = false): void

Ends execution. Takes care of template loading and remembering the previous URL.

Type Parameter Description
bool $header Whether to do the header
bool $do_footer Whether to do the footer
bool $from_index Whether we’re coming from the board index
bool $from_fatal_error Whether we’re coming from a fatal error
Integration hooks


function url_image_size(string $url): array|false

Get the size of a specified image with better error handling.

Type Parameter Description
string $url The URL of the image


function setupThemeContext(bool $forceload = false): void

Sets up the basic theme context stuff.

Type Parameter Description
bool $forceload Whether to load the theme even if it’s already loaded
Integration hooks


function setMemoryLimit(string $needed, bool $in_use = false): bool

Helper function to set the system memory to a needed value

Type Parameter Description
string $needed The amount of memory to request, if needed, like 256M
bool $in_use Set to true to account for current memory usage of the script


function memoryReturnBytes(string $val): int

Helper function to convert memory string settings to bytes

Type Parameter Description
string $val The byte string, like 256M or 1G


function template_header(): void

The header template

Integration hooks
function theme_copyright(): void

Show the copyright.

function template_footer(): void

The template footer


function template_javascript(bool $do_deferred = false): void

Output the Javascript files - tabbing in this function is to make the HTML source look good and proper

Type Parameter Description
bool $do_deferred If true will only output the deferred JS (the stuff that goes right before the closing body tag)
Integration hooks


function template_css(): void

Output the CSS files

Integration hooks


function custMinify(array $data, string $type): array

Get an array of previously defined files and adds them to our main minified files.

Sets a one day cache to avoid re-creating a file on every request.

Type Parameter Description
array $data The files to minify.
string $type either css or js.


function deleteAllMinified(): void

Clears out old minimized CSS and JavaScript files and ensures $modSettings[‘browser_cache’] is up to date


function getAttachmentFilename(string $filename, int $attachment_id, ?string $dir = null, bool $new = false, string $file_hash = ''): string

Get an attachment’s encrypted filename. If $new is true, won’t check for file existence.

Type Parameter Description
string $filename The name of the file
int $attachment_id The ID of the attachment
string|null $dir Which directory it should be in (null to use current one)
bool $new Whether this is a new attachment
string $file_hash The file hash


function ip2range(string $fullip): array

Convert a single IP to a ranged IP.

internal function used to convert a user-readable format to a format suitable for the database.

Type Parameter Description
string $fullip The full IP


function host_from_ip(string $ip): string

Lookup an IP; try shell_exec first because we can do a timeout on it.

Type Parameter Description
string $ip The IP to get the hostname from


function text2words(string $text, int $max_chars = 20, bool $encrypt = false): array

Chops a string into words and prepares them to be inserted into (or searched from) the database.

Type Parameter Description
string $text The text to split into words
int $max_chars The maximum number of characters per word
bool $encrypt Whether to encrypt the results


function create_button(string $name, string $alt, string $label = '', string $custom = '', bool $force_use = false): string

Creates an image/text button

Type Parameter Description
string $name The name of the button (should be a main_icons class or the name of an image)
string $alt The alt text
string $label The $txt string to use as the label
string $custom Custom text/html to add to the img tag (only when using an actual image)
bool $force_use Whether to force use of this when template_create_button is available


function setupMenuContext(): void

Sets up all of the top menu buttons Saves them in the cache if it is available and on Places the results in $context

Integration hooks


function smf_seed_generator(): void

Generate a random seed and ensure it’s stored in settings.


function call_integration_hook(string $hook, array $parameters = array()): array

Process functions of an integration hook.

calls all functions of the given hook. supports static class method calls.

Type Parameter Description
string $hook The hook name
array $parameters An array of parameters this hook implements


function add_integration_function(string $hook, string $function, bool $permanent = true, string $file = '', bool $object = false): void

Add a function for integration hook.

does nothing if the function is already added.

Type Parameter Description
string $hook The complete hook name.
string $function The function name. Can be a call to a method via Class::method.
bool $permanent If true, updates the value in settings table.
string $file The file. Must include one of the following wildcards: $boarddir, $sourcedir, $themedir, example: $sourcedir/Test.php
bool $object Indicates if your class will be instantiated when its respective hook is called. If true, your function must be a method.


function remove_integration_function(string $hook, string $function, bool $permanent = true, string $file = '', bool $object = false): void

Remove an integration hook function.

Removes the given function from the given hook. Does nothing if the function is not available.

Type Parameter Description
string $hook The complete hook name.
string $function The function name. Can be a call to a method via Class::method.
bool $permanent Irrelevant for the function itself but need to declare it to match
string $file The filename. Must include one of the following wildcards: $boarddir, $sourcedir, $themedir, example: $sourcedir/Test.php
bool $object Indicates if your class will be instantiated when its respective hook is called. If true, your function must be a method.


function call_helper(mixed $string, bool $return = false): string|array|bool

Receives a string and tries to figure it out if its a method or a function.

If a method is found, it looks for a “#” which indicates SMF should create a new instance of the given class. Checks the string/array for is_callable() and return false/fatal_lang_error is the given value results in a non callable string/array. Prepare and returns a callable depending on the type of method/function found.

Type Parameter Description
mixed $string The string containing a function name or a static call. The function can also accept a closure, object or a callable array (object/class, valid_callable)
bool $return If true, the function will not call the function/method but instead will return the formatted string.


function load_file(string $string): string|bool

Receives a string and tries to figure it out if it contains info to load a file.

Checks for a (pipe) symbol and tries to load a file with the info given.
The string should be format as follows File.php . You can use the following wildcards: $boarddir, $sourcedir and if available at the moment of execution, $themedir.
Type Parameter Description
string $string The string containing a valid format.


function fetch_web_data(string $url, string $post_data = '', bool $keep_alive = false, int $redirection_level = 0): string|false

Get the contents of a URL, irrespective of allow_url_fopen.

Type Parameter Description
string $url The URL
string $post_data The data to post to the given URL
bool $keep_alive Whether to send keepalive info
int $redirection_level How many levels of redirection


function get_mime_type(string $data, string $is_path = false): string|bool

Attempts to determine the MIME type of some data or a file.

Type Parameter Description
string $data The data to check, or the path or URL of a file to check.
string $is_path If true, $data is a path or URL to a file.


function check_mime_type(string $data, string $type_pattern, string $is_path = false): int

Checks whether a file or data has the expected MIME type.

Type Parameter Description
string $data The data to check, or the path or URL of a file to check.
string $type_pattern A regex pattern to match the acceptable MIME types.
string $is_path If true, $data is a path or URL to a file.


function prepareLikesContext(int $topic): array

Prepares an array of “likes” info for the topic specified by $topic

Type Parameter Description
int $topic The topic ID to fetch the info from.


function sanitizeMSCutPaste(string $string): string

Microsoft uses their own character set Code Page 1252 (CP1252), which is a superset of ISO 8859-1, defining several characters between DEC 128 and 159 that are not normally displayable. This converts the popular ones that appear from a cut and paste from windows.

Type Parameter Description
string $string The string


function replaceEntities__callback(array $matches): string

Decode numeric html entities to their ascii or UTF8 equivalent character.

Callback function for preg_replace_callback in subs-members Uses capture group 2 in the supplied array Does basic scan to ensure characters are inside a valid range

Type Parameter Description
array $matches An array of matches (relevant info should be the 3rd item)


function fixchar__callback(array $matches): string

Converts html entities to utf8 equivalents

Callback function for preg_replace_callback Uses capture group 1 in the supplied array Does basic checks to keep characters inside a viewable range.

Type Parameter Description
array $matches An array of matches (relevant info should be the 2nd item in the array)


function entity_fix__callback(array $matches): string

Strips out invalid html entities, replaces others with html style { codes

Callback function used of preg_replace_callback in smcFunc $ent_checks, for example strpos, strlen, substr etc

Type Parameter Description
array $matches An array of matches (relevant info should be the 3rd item in the array)


function get_gravatar_url(string $email_address): string

Return a Gravatar URL based on

It is SSL aware, and caches most of the parameters.

Type Parameter Description
string $email_address The user’s email address


function smf_list_timezones(string $when = 'now'): array

Get a list of time zones.

Type Parameter Description
string $when The date/time for which to calculate the time zone values.
    May be a Unix timestamp or any string that strtotime() can understand.
    Defaults to ‘now’.


function getUserTimezone(int $id_member = null): string

Gets a member’s selected time zone identifier

Type Parameter Description
int $id_member The member id to look up. If not provided, the current user’s id will be used.


function inet_ptod(string $ip_address): string|false

Converts an IP address into binary

Type Parameter Description
string $ip_address An IP address in IPv4, IPv6 or decimal notation


function inet_dtop(string $bin): string|false

Converts a binary version of an IP address into a readable format

Type Parameter Description
string $bin An IP address in IPv4, IPv6 (Either string (postgresql) or binary (other databases))


function _safe_serialize(mixed $value): string

Safe serialize() replacement. Recursive

Type Parameter Description
mixed $value  


function safe_serialize(mixed $value): string

Wrapper for _safe_serialize() that handles exceptions and multibyte encoding issues.

Type Parameter Description
mixed $value  


function _safe_unserialize(string $str): mixed

Safe unserialize() replacement

Type Parameter Description
string $str  


function safe_unserialize(string $str): mixed

Wrapper for _safe_unserialize() that handles exceptions and multibyte encoding issue

Type Parameter Description
string $str  


function smf_chmod(string $file, int $value = 0): bool

Tries different modes to make file/dirs writable. Wrapper function for chmod()

Type Parameter Description
string $file The file/dir full path.
int $value Not needed, added for legacy reasons.


function smf_json_decode(string $json, bool $returnAsArray = false, bool $logIt = true): array

Wrapper function for json_decode() with error handling.

Type Parameter Description
string $json The string to decode.
bool $returnAsArray To return the decoded string as an array or an object, SMF only uses Arrays but to keep on compatibility with json_decode its set to false as default.
bool $logIt To specify if the error will be logged if theres any.


function isValidIP(string $IPString): bool

Check the given String if he is a valid IPv4 or IPv6 return true or false

Type Parameter Description
string $IPString  


function smf_serverResponse(string $data = '', string $type = 'content-type: application/json'): void

Outputs a response.

It assumes the data is already a string.

Type Parameter Description
string $data The data to print
string $type The content type. Defaults to Json.


function set_tld_regex(bool $update = false): void

Creates an optimized regex to match all known top level domains.

The optimized regex is stored in $modSettings[‘tld_regex’].

To update the stored version of the regex to use the latest list of valid TLDs from, set the $update parameter to true. Updating can take some time, based on network connectivity, so it should normally only be done by calling this function from a background or scheduled task.

If $update is not true, but the regex is missing or invalid, the regex will be regenerated from a hard-coded list of TLDs. This regenerated regex will be overwritten on the next scheduled update.

Type Parameter Description
bool $update If true, fetch and process the latest official list of TLDs from


function build_regex(array $strings, string $delim = null, bool $returnArray = false): string|array

Creates optimized regular expressions from an array of strings.

An optimized regex built using this function will be much faster than a simple regex built using implode('|', $strings) — anywhere from several times to several orders of magnitude faster.

However, the time required to build the optimized regex is approximately equal to the time it takes to execute the simple regex. Therefore, it is only worth calling this function if the resulting regex will be used more than once.

Because PHP places an upper limit on the allowed length of a regex, very large arrays of $strings may not fit in a single regex. Normally, the excess strings will simply be dropped. However, if the $returnArray parameter is set to true, this function will build as many regexes as necessary to accommodate everything in $strings and return them in an array. You will need to iterate through all elements of the returned array in order to test all possible matches.

Type Parameter Description
array $strings An array of strings to make a regex for.
string $delim An optional delimiter character to pass to preg_quote().
bool $returnArray If true, returns an array of regexes.


function ssl_cert_found(string $url): void

Check if the passed url has an SSL certificate.

Returns true if a cert was found & false if not.

Type Parameter Description
string $url to check, in $boardurl format (no trailing slash).


function https_redirect_active(string $url): void

Check if the passed url has a redirect to https:// by querying headers.

Returns true if a redirect was found & false if not. Note that when force_ssl = 2, SMF issues its own redirect… So if this returns true, it may be caused by SMF, not necessarily an .htaccess redirect.

Type Parameter Description
string $url to check, in $boardurl format (no trailing slash).


function build_query_board(int $userid): void

Build query_wanna_see_board and query_see_board for a userid

Returns array with keys query_wanna_see_board and query_see_board

Type Parameter Description
int $userid of the user


function httpsOn(): bool

Check if the connection is using https.


function parse_iri(string $iri, int $component = -1): mixed

A wrapper for parse_url($url) that can handle URLs with international characters (a.k.a. IRIs)

Type Parameter Description
string $iri The IRI to parse.
int $component Optional parameter to pass to parse_url().


function validate_iri(string $iri, int $flags = 0): string|bool

A wrapper for filter_var($url, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL) that can handle URLs with international characters (a.k.a. IRIs)

Type Parameter Description
string $iri The IRI to test.
int $flags Optional flags to pass to filter_var()


function sanitize_iri(string $iri): string|bool

A wrapper for filter_var($url, FILTER_SANITIZE_URL) that can handle URLs with international characters (a.k.a. IRIs)

Note: The returned value will still be an IRI, not a URL. To convert to URL, feed the result of this function to iri_to_url()

Type Parameter Description
string $iri The IRI to sanitize.


function normalize_iri(string $iri): string|bool

Performs Unicode normalization on IRIs.

Internally calls sanitize_iri(), then performs Unicode normalization on the IRI as a whole, using NFKC normalization for the domain name (see RFC 3491) and NFC normalization for the rest.

Type Parameter Description
string $iri The IRI to normalize.


function iri_to_url(string $iri): string|bool

Converts a URL with international characters (an IRI) into a pure ASCII URL

Uses Punycode to encode any non-ASCII characters in the domain name, and uses standard URL encoding on the rest.

Type Parameter Description
string $iri A IRI that may or may not contain non-ASCII characters.


function url_to_iri(string $url): string|bool

Decodes a URL containing encoded international characters to UTF-8

Decodes any Punycode encoded characters in the domain name, then uses standard URL decoding on the rest.

Type Parameter Description
string $url The pure ASCII version of a URL.


function check_cron(): void

Ensures SMF’s scheduled tasks are being run as intended

If the admin activated the cron_is_real_cron setting, but the cron job is not running things at least once per day, we need to go back to SMF’s default behaviour using “web cron” JavaScript calls.


function send_http_status(int $code, string $status = ''): void

Sends an appropriate HTTP status header based on a given status code

Type Parameter Description
int $code The status code
string $status The string for the status. Set automatically if not provided.


function sentence_list(array $list): string

Concatenates an array of strings into a grammatically correct sentence list

Uses formats defined in the language files to build the list appropropriately for the currently loaded language.

Type Parameter Description
array $list An array of strings to concatenate.


function truncate_array(array $array, int $max_length = 1900, int $deep = 3): array

Truncate an array to a specified length

Type Parameter Description
array $array The array to truncate
int $max_length The upperbound on the length
int $deep How levels in an multidimensional array should the function take into account.


function array_length(array $array, int $deep = 3): int

array_length Recursive

Type Parameter Description
array $array  
int $deep How many levels should the function


function is_filtered_request(array $array, string $req_var): bool

Compares existance request variables against an array.

The input array is associative, where keys denote accepted values in a request variable denoted by $req_val. Values can be:

Type Parameter Description
array $array  
string $req_var request variable


function cleanXml(string $string): string

Clean up the XML to make sure it doesn’t contain invalid characters.


Type Parameter Description
string $string The string to clean


function JavaScriptEscape(string $string, bool $as_json = false): string

Escapes (replaces) characters in strings to make them safe for use in JavaScript

Type Parameter Description
string $string The string to escape
bool $as_json If true, escape as double-quoted string. Default false.


function tokenTxtReplace($stringSubject = '')

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