Unofficial SMF API Documentation



function getServerVersions(array $checkFor): array

Get a list of versions that are currently installed on the server.

Type Parameter Description
array $checkFor An array of what to check versions for - can contain one or more of ‘gd’, ‘imagemagick’, ‘db_server’, ‘phpa’, ‘memcache’, ‘php’ or ‘server’


function getFileVersions(array &$versionOptions): array

Search through source, theme and language files to determine their version.

Get detailed version information about the physical SMF files on the server.

Type Parameter Description
array \&$versionOptions An array of options. Can contain one or more of ‘include_ssi’, ‘include_subscriptions’, ‘include_tasks’ and ‘sort_results’


function get_settings_defs(): array

Describes properties of all known Settings.php variables and other content.

Helper for updateSettingsFile(); also called by saveSettings().

Integration hooks


function updateSettingsFile(array $config_vars, ?bool $keep_quotes = null, bool $rebuild = false): bool

Update the Settings.php file.

The most important function in this file for mod makers happens to be the updateSettingsFile() function, but it shouldn’t be used often anyway.

MOD AUTHORS: If you are adding a setting to Settings.php, you should use the integrate_update_settings_file hook to define it in get_settings_defs().

Type Parameter Description
array $config_vars An array of one or more variables to update.
bool|null $keep_quotes Whether to strip slashes & trim quotes from string values. Defaults to auto-detection.
bool $rebuild If true, attempts to rebuild with standard format. Default false.


function get_current_settings(int $mtime = null, string $settingsFile = null): array

Retrieves a copy of the current values of all settings defined in Settings.php.

Importantly, it does this without affecting our actual global variables at all, and it performs safety checks before acting. The result is an array of the values as recorded in the settings file.

Type Parameter Description
int $mtime Timestamp of last known good configuration. Defaults to time SMF started.
string $settingsFile The settings file. Defaults to SMF’s standard Settings.php.


function safe_file_write(string $file, string $data, string $backup_file = null, int $mtime = null, bool $append = false): bool

Writes data to a file, optionally making a backup, while avoiding race conditions.

Type Parameter Description
string $file The filepath of the file where the data should be written.
string $data The data to be written to $file.
string $backup_file The filepath where the backup should be saved. Default null.
int $mtime If modification time of $file is more recent than this Unix timestamp, the write operation will abort. Defaults to time that the script started execution.
bool $append If true, the data will be appended instead of overwriting the existing content of the file. Default false.


function smf_var_export(mixed $var): mixed

A wrapper around var_export whose output matches SMF coding conventions.

Type Parameter Description
mixed $var The variable to export


function strip_php_comments(string $code_str): string

Deletes all PHP comments from a string.

Type Parameter Description
string $code_str A string containing PHP code.


function updateDbLastError(int $time, bool $update = true): bool

Saves the time of the last db error for the error log

Type Parameter Description
int $time The timestamp of the last DB error
bool `` True If we should update the current db_last_error context as well. This may be useful in cases where the current context needs to know a error was logged since the last check.


function updateAdminPreferences(): void

Saves the admin’s current preferences to the database.


function emailAdmins(string $template, array $replacements = array(), array $additional_recipients = array()): void

Send all the administrators a lovely email.

Type Parameter Description
string $template Which email template to use
array $replacements An array of items to replace the variables in the template
array $additional_recipients An array of arrays of info for additional recipients. Should have ‘id’, ‘email’ and ‘name’ for each.


function sm_temp_dir(): string

Locates the most appropriate temp directory.

Systems using open_basedir restrictions may receive errors with sys_get_temp_dir() due to misconfigurations on servers. Other cases sys_temp_dir may not be set to a safe value. Additionally sys_get_temp_dir may use a readonly directory. This attempts to find a working temp directory that is accessible under the restrictions and is writable to the web service account.

Directories checked against open_basedir:

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