Unofficial SMF API Documentation



function writeLog(bool $force = false): void

Put this user in the online log.

Type Parameter Description
bool $force Whether to force logging the data


function logLastDatabaseError(): void

Logs the last database error into a file.

Attempts to use the backup file first, to store the last database error and only update db_last_error.php if the first was successful.


function displayDebug(): void

This function shows the debug information tracked when $db_show_debug = true in Settings.php


function trackStats(array $stats = array()): bool

Track Statistics.

Caches statistics changes, and flushes them if you pass nothing. If ‘+’ is used as a value, it will be incremented. It does not actually commit the changes until the end of the page view. It depends on the trackStats setting.

Type Parameter Description
array $stats An array of data


function logAction(string $action, array $extra = array(), string $log_type = 'moderate'): int

This function logs an action to the database. It is a thin wrapper around {@link logActions()}.

Type Parameter Description
string $action A code for the report; a list of such strings
    can be found in Modlog.{language}.php (modlog_ac_ strings)
array $extra An associated array of parameters for the
    item being logged. Typically this will include ‘topic’ for the topic’s id.
string $log_type A string reflecting the type of log.


function logActions(array $logs): int

Log changes to the forum, such as moderation events or administrative changes. This behaves just like {@link logAction()} in SMF 2.0, except that it is designed to log multiple actions at once.

SMF uses three log types:

Type Parameter Description
array $logs An array of log data
Integration hooks

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