Unofficial SMF API Documentation



function ManagePaidSubscriptions(): void

The main entrance point for the ‘Paid Subscription’ screen, calling the right function based on the given sub-action.

It defaults to sub-action ‘view’. Accessed from ?action=admin;area=paidsubscribe. It requires admin_forum permission for admin based actions.

Integration hooks


function ModifySubscriptionSettings(bool $return_config = false): void|array

Set any setting related to paid subscriptions, i.e.

modify which payment methods are to be used. It requires the moderate_forum permission Accessed from ?action=admin;area=paidsubscribe;sa=settings.

Type Parameter Description
bool $return_config Whether or not to return the $config_vars array (used for admin search)


function ViewSubscriptions(): void

View a list of all the current subscriptions Requires the admin_forum permission.

Accessed from ?action=admin;area=paidsubscribe;sa=view.


function ModifySubscription(): void

Adding, editing and deleting subscriptions.

Accessed from ?action=admin;area=paidsubscribe;sa=modify.

Integration hooks


function ViewSubscribedUsers(): void

View all the users subscribed to a particular subscription.

Requires the admin_forum permission. Accessed from ?action=admin;area=paidsubscribe;sa=viewsub.

Subscription ID is required, in the form of $_GET[‘sid’].


function list_getSubscribedUserCount(int $id_sub, string $search_string, array $search_vars = array()): int

Returns how many people are subscribed to a paid subscription.

Type Parameter Description
int $id_sub The ID of the subscription
string $search_string A search string
array $search_vars An array of variables for the search string


function list_getSubscribedUsers(int $start, int $items_per_page, string $sort, int $id_sub, string $search_string, array $search_vars = array()): array

Return the subscribed users list, for the given parameters.

Type Parameter Description
int $start The item to start with (for pagination purposes)
int $items_per_page How many items to show on each page
string $sort A string indicating how to sort the results
int $id_sub The ID of the subscription
string $search_string A search string
array $search_vars The variables for the search string


function ModifyUserSubscription(): void

Edit or add a user subscription.

Accessed from ?action=admin;area=paidsubscribe;sa=modifyuser.


function reapplySubscriptions(array $users): void

Reapplies all subscription rules for each of the users.

Type Parameter Description
array $users An array of user IDs


function addSubscription(int $id_subscribe, int $id_member, int|string $renewal = 0, int $forceStartTime = 0, int $forceEndTime = 0): void

Add or extend a subscription of a user.

Type Parameter Description
int $id_subscribe The subscription ID
int $id_member The ID of the member
int|string $renewal 0 if we’re forcing start/end time, otherwise a string indicating how long to renew the subscription for (‘D’, ‘W’, ‘M’ or ‘Y’)
int $forceStartTime If set, forces the subscription to start at the specified time
int $forceEndTime If set, forces the subscription to end at the specified time


function removeSubscription(int $id_subscribe, int $id_member, bool $delete = false): void

Removes a subscription from a user, as in removes the groups.

Type Parameter Description
int $id_subscribe The ID of the subscription
int $id_member The ID of the member
bool $delete Whether to delete the subscription or just disable it


function loadSubscriptions(): void

This just kind of caches all the subscription data.


function loadPaymentGateways(): array

Load all the payment gateways.

Checks the Sources directory for any files fitting the format of a payment gateway, loads each file to check it’s valid, includes each file and returns the function name and whether it should work with this version of SMF.

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