Unofficial SMF API Documentation



function ssi_shutdown(): void

This shuts down the SSI and shows the footer.


function ssi_version(string $output_method = 'echo'): void|string

Show the SMF version.

Type Parameter Description
string $output_method If ‘echo’, displays the version, otherwise returns it


function ssi_full_version(string $output_method = 'echo'): void|string

Show the full SMF version string.

Type Parameter Description
string $output_method If ‘echo’, displays the full version string, otherwise returns it


function ssi_software_year(string $output_method = 'echo'): void|string

Show the SMF software year.

Type Parameter Description
string $output_method If ‘echo’, displays the software year, otherwise returns it
function ssi_copyright(string $output_method = 'echo'): void|string

Show the forum copyright. Only used in our ssi_examples files.

Type Parameter Description
string $output_method If ‘echo’, displays the forum copyright, otherwise returns it


function ssi_welcome(string $output_method = 'echo'): void|array

Display a welcome message, like: Hey, User, you have 0 messages, 0 are new.

Type Parameter Description
string $output_method The output method. If ‘echo’, will display everything. Otherwise returns an array of user info.


function ssi_menubar(string $output_method = 'echo'): void|array

Display a menu bar, like is displayed at the top of the forum.

Type Parameter Description
string $output_method The output method. If ‘echo’, will display the menu, otherwise returns an array of menu data.


function ssi_logout(string $redirect_to = '', string $output_method = 'echo'): void|string

Show a logout link.

Type Parameter Description
string $redirect_to A URL to redirect the user to after they log out.
string $output_method The output method. If ‘echo’, shows a logout link, otherwise returns the HTML for it.


function ssi_recentPosts(int $num_recent = 8, ?array $exclude_boards = null, ?array $include_boards = null, string $output_method = 'echo', bool $limit_body = true): void|array

Recent post list: [board] Subject by Poster Date

Type Parameter Description
int $num_recent How many recent posts to display
null|array $exclude_boards If set, doesn’t show posts from the specified boards
null|array $include_boards If set, only includes posts from the specified boards
string $output_method The output method. If ‘echo’, displays the posts, otherwise returns an array of information about them.
bool $limit_body Whether or not to only show the first 384 characters of each post


function ssi_fetchPosts(array $post_ids = array(), bool $override_permissions = false, string $output_method = 'echo'): void|array

Fetches one or more posts by ID.

Type Parameter Description
array $post_ids An array containing the IDs of the posts to show
bool $override_permissions Whether to ignore permissions. If true, will show posts even if the user doesn’t have permission to see them.
string $output_method The output method. If ‘echo’, displays the posts, otherwise returns an array of info about them


function ssi_queryPosts(string $query_where = '', array $query_where_params = array(), int $query_limit = 10, string $query_order = 'm.id_msg DESC', string $output_method = 'echo', bool $limit_body = false, bool|false $override_permissions = false): void|array

This handles actually pulling post info. Called from other functions to eliminate duplication.

Type Parameter Description
string $query_where The WHERE clause for the query
array $query_where_params An array of parameters for the WHERE clause
int $query_limit The maximum number of rows to return
string $query_order The ORDER BY clause for the query
string $output_method The output method. If ‘echo’, displays the posts, otherwise returns an array of info about them.
bool $limit_body If true, will only show the first 384 characters of the post rather than all of it
bool|false $override_permissions Whether or not to ignore permissions. If true, will show all posts regardless of whether the user can actually see them
Integration hooks


function ssi_recentTopics(int $num_recent = 8, ?array $exclude_boards = null, ?array $include_boards = null, string $output_method = 'echo'): void|array

Recent topic list: [board] Subject by Poster Date

Type Parameter Description
int $num_recent How many recent topics to show
null|array $exclude_boards If set, exclude topics from the specified board(s)
null|array $include_boards If set, only include topics from the specified board(s)
string $output_method The output method. If ‘echo’, displays a list of topics, otherwise returns an array of info about them
Integration hooks


function ssi_topPoster(int $topNumber = 1, string $output_method = 'echo'): void|array

Shows a list of top posters

Type Parameter Description
int $topNumber How many top posters to list
string $output_method The output method. If ‘echo’, will display a list of users, otherwise returns an array of info about them.
Integration hooks


function ssi_topBoards(int $num_top = 10, string $output_method = 'echo'): void|array

Shows a list of top boards based on activity

Type Parameter Description
int $num_top How many boards to display
string $output_method The output method. If ‘echo’, displays a list of boards, otherwise returns an array of info about them.
Integration hooks


function ssi_topTopics(string $type = 'replies', int $num_topics = 10, string $output_method = 'echo'): void|array

Shows a list of top topics based on views or replies

Type Parameter Description
string $type Can be either replies or views
int $num_topics How many topics to display
string $output_method The output method. If ‘echo’, displays a list of topics, otherwise returns an array of info about them.
Integration hooks


function ssi_topTopicsReplies(int $num_topics = 10, string $output_method = 'echo'): void|array

Top topics based on replies

Type Parameter Description
int $num_topics How many topics to show
string $output_method The output method. If ‘echo’, displays a list of topics, otherwise returns an array of info about them


function ssi_topTopicsViews(int $num_topics = 10, string $output_method = 'echo'): void|array

Top topics based on views

Type Parameter Description
int $num_topics How many topics to show
string $output_method The output method. If ‘echo’, displays a list of topics, otherwise returns an array of info about them


function ssi_latestMember(string $output_method = 'echo'): void|array

Show a link to the latest member: Please welcome, Someone, our latest member.

Type Parameter Description
string $output_method The output method. If ‘echo’, returns a string with a link to the latest member’s profile, otherwise returns an array of info about them.


function ssi_randomMember(string $random_type = '', string $output_method = 'echo'): void|array

Fetches a random member.

Type Parameter Description
string $random_type If ‘day’, only fetches a new random member once a day.
string $output_method The output method. If ‘echo’, displays a link to the member’s profile, otherwise returns an array of info about them.


function ssi_fetchMember(array $member_ids = array(), string $output_method = 'echo'): void|array

Fetch specific members

Type Parameter Description
array $member_ids The IDs of the members to fetch
string $output_method The output method. If ‘echo’, displays a list of links to the members’ profiles, otherwise returns an array of info about them.


function ssi_fetchGroupMembers(int $group_id = null, string $output_method = 'echo'): void|array

Get al members in the specified group

Type Parameter Description
int $group_id The ID of the group to get members from
string $output_method The output method. If ‘echo’, returns a list of group members, otherwise returns an array of info about them.


function ssi_queryMembers(string $query_where = null, array $query_where_params = array(), string|int $query_limit = '', string $query_order = 'id_member DESC', string $output_method = 'echo'): void|array

Pulls info about members based on the specified parameters. Used by other functions to eliminate duplication.

Type Parameter Description
string $query_where The info for the WHERE clause of the query
array $query_where_params The parameters for the WHERE clause
string|int $query_limit The number of rows to return or an empty string to return all
string $query_order The info for the ORDER BY clause of the query
string $output_method The output method. If ‘echo’, displays a list of members, otherwise returns an array of info about them
Integration hooks


function ssi_boardStats(string $output_method = 'echo'): void|array

Show some basic stats: Total This: XXXX, etc.

Type Parameter Description
string $output_method The output method. If ‘echo’, displays the stats, otherwise returns an array of info about them
Integration hooks


function ssi_whosOnline(string $output_method = 'echo'): void|array

Shows a list of online users: YY Guests, ZZ Users and then a list.


Type Parameter Description
string $output_method The output method. If ‘echo’, displays a list, otherwise returns an array of info about the online users.
Integration hooks


function ssi_logOnline(string $output_method = 'echo'): void|array

Just like whosOnline except it also logs the online presence.

Type Parameter Description
string $output_method The output method. If ‘echo’, displays a list, otherwise returns an array of info about the online users.


function ssi_login(string $redirect_to = '', string $output_method = 'echo'): void|bool

Shows a login box

Type Parameter Description
string $redirect_to The URL to redirect the user to after they login
string $output_method The output method. If ‘echo’ and the user is a guest, displays a login box, otherwise returns whether the user is a guest


function ssi_topPoll(string $output_method = 'echo'): void|array

Show the top poll based on votes

Type Parameter Description
string $output_method The output method. If ‘echo’, displays the poll, otherwise returns an array of info about it


function ssi_recentPoll(bool $topPollInstead = false, string $output_method = 'echo'): void|array

Shows the most recent poll

Type Parameter Description
bool $topPollInstead Whether to show the top poll (based on votes) instead of the most recent one
string $output_method The output method. If ‘echo’, displays the poll, otherwise returns an array of info about it.
Integration hooks


function ssi_showPoll(?int $topic = null, string $output_method = 'echo'): void|array

Shows the poll from the specified topic

Type Parameter Description
null|int $topic The topic to show the poll from. If null, $_REQUEST[‘ssi_topic’] will be used instead.
string $output_method The output method. If ‘echo’, displays the poll, otherwise returns an array of info about it.
Integration hooks


function ssi_pollVote(): void

Handles voting in a poll (done automatically)


function ssi_quickSearch(string $output_method = 'echo'): void|string

Shows a search box

Type Parameter Description
string $output_method The output method. If ‘echo’, displays a search box, otherwise returns the URL of the search page.


function ssi_news(string $output_method = 'echo'): void|string

Show a random forum news item

Type Parameter Description
string $output_method The output method. If ‘echo’, shows the news item, otherwise returns it.
Integration hooks


function ssi_todaysBirthdays(string $output_method = 'echo'): void|array

Show today’s birthdays.

Type Parameter Description
string $output_method The output method. If ‘echo’, displays a list of users, otherwise returns an array of info about them.
Integration hooks


function ssi_todaysHolidays(string $output_method = 'echo'): void|array

Shows today’s holidays.

Type Parameter Description
string $output_method The output method. If ‘echo’, displays a list of holidays, otherwise returns an array of info about them.
Integration hooks


function ssi_todaysEvents(string $output_method = 'echo'): void|array

Shows today’s events.

Type Parameter Description
string $output_method The output method. If ‘echo’, displays a list of events, otherwise returns an array of info about them.
Integration hooks


function ssi_todaysCalendar(string $output_method = 'echo'): void|array

Shows today’s calendar items (events, birthdays and holidays)

Type Parameter Description
string $output_method The output method. If ‘echo’, displays a list of calendar items, otherwise returns an array of info about them.
Integration hooks


function ssi_boardNews(?int $board = null, ?int $limit = null, ?int $start = null, ?int $length = null, string $output_method = 'echo'): void|array

Show the latest news, with a template… by board.

Type Parameter Description
null|int $board The ID of the board to get the info from. Defaults to $board or $_GET[‘board’] if not set.
null|int $limit How many items to show. Defaults to $_GET[‘limit’] or 5 if not set.
null|int $start Start with the specified item. Defaults to $_GET[‘start’] or 0 if not set.
null|int $length How many characters to show from each post. Defaults to $_GET[‘length’] or 0 (no limit) if not set.
string $output_method The output method. If ‘echo’, displays the news items, otherwise returns an array of info about them.
Integration hooks


function ssi_recentEvents(int $max_events = 7, string $output_method = 'echo'): void|array

Show the most recent events

Type Parameter Description
int $max_events The maximum number of events to show
string $output_method The output method. If ‘echo’, displays the events, otherwise returns an array of info about them.
Integration hooks


function ssi_checkPassword(int|string $id = null, string $password = null, bool $is_username = false): bool

Checks whether the specified password is correct for the specified user.

Type Parameter Description
int|string $id The ID or username of a user
string $password The password to check
bool $is_username If true, treats $id as a username rather than a user ID


function ssi_recentAttachments(int $num_attachments = 10, array $attachment_ext = array(), string $output_method = 'echo'): void|array

Shows the most recent attachments that the user can see

Type Parameter Description
int $num_attachments How many to show
array $attachment_ext Only shows attachments with the specified extensions (‘jpg’, ‘gif’, etc.) if set
string $output_method The output method. If ‘echo’, displays a table with links/info, otherwise returns an array with information about the attachments
Integration hooks

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