Unofficial SMF API Documentation



function Ban(): void

Ban center. The main entrance point for all ban center functions.

It is accesssed by ?action=admin;area=ban. It choses a function based on the ‘sa’ parameter, like many others. The default sub-action is BanList(). It requires the ban_members permission. It initializes the admin tabs.

Uses ManageBans template.

Integration hooks


function BanList(): void

Shows a list of bans currently set.

It is accessed by ?action=admin;area=ban;sa=list. It removes expired bans. It allows sorting on different criteria. It also handles removal of selected ban items.

Uses the main ManageBans template.


function list_getBans(int $start, int $items_per_page, string $sort): array

Get bans, what else? For the given options.

Type Parameter Description
int $start Which item to start with (for pagination purposes)
int $items_per_page How many items to show on each page
string $sort A string telling ORDER BY how to sort the results


function list_getNumBans(): int

Get the total number of ban from the ban group table


function BanEdit(): void

This function is behind the screen for adding new bans and modifying existing ones.

Adding new bans: - is accessed by ?action=admin;area=ban;sa=add. - uses the ban_edit sub template of the ManageBans template. Modifying existing bans:

Integration hooks


function list_getBanItems(int $start = 0, int $items_per_page = 0, int $sort = 0, int $ban_group_id = 0): array

Retrieves all the ban items belonging to a certain ban group

Type Parameter Description
int $start Which item to start with (for pagination purposes)
int $items_per_page How many items to show on each page
int $sort Not used here
int $ban_group_id The ID of the group to get the bans for
Integration hooks


function list_getNumBanItems(): int

Gets the number of ban items belonging to a certain ban group


function banLoadAdditionalIPs(int $member_id): array

Finds additional IPs related to a certain user

Type Parameter Description
int $member_id The ID of the member to get additional IPs for
Integration hooks


function banLoadAdditionalIPsMember(int $member_id): array

Loads additional IPs used by a specific member

Type Parameter Description
int $member_id The ID of the member


function banLoadAdditionalIPsError(int $member_id): array

Loads additional IPs used by a member from the error log

Type Parameter Description
int $member_id The ID of the member


function banEdit2(): void

This function handles submitted forms that add, modify or remove ban triggers.

Integration hooks


function saveTriggers(array $suggestions, int $ban_group, int $member = 0, int $ban_id = 0): array|bool

Saves one or more ban triggers into a ban item: according to the suggestions checks the $_POST variable to verify if the trigger is present

Type Parameter Description
array $suggestions An array of suggestedtriggers (IP, email, etc.)
int $ban_group The ID of the group we’re saving bans for
int $member The ID of the member associated with this ban (if applicable)
int $ban_id The ID of the ban (0 if this is a new ban)
Integration hooks


function removeBanTriggers(int[]|int $items_ids = array(), bool|int $group_id = false): bool

This function removes a bunch of triggers based on ids Doesn’t clean the inputs

Type Parameter Description
int[]|int $items_ids The items to remove
bool|int $group_id The ID of the group these triggers are associated with or false if deleting them from all groups
Integration hooks


function removeBanGroups(array $group_ids): bool

This function removes a bunch of ban groups based on ids Doesn’t clean the inputs

Type Parameter Description
int[] $group_ids The IDs of the groups to remove


function removeBanLogs(array $ids = array()): bool

Removes logs - by default truncate the table Doesn’t clean the inputs

Type Parameter Description
array $ids Empty array to clear the ban log or the IDs of the log entries to remove


function validateTriggers(array &$triggers): array

This function validates the ban triggers

Errors in $context[‘ban_errors’]

Type Parameter Description
array $triggers The triggers to validate


function addTriggers(int $group_id = 0, array $triggers = array(), array $logs = array()): bool

This function actually inserts the ban triggers into the database

Errors in $context[‘ban_errors’]

Type Parameter Description
int $group_id The ID of the group to add the triggers to (0 to create a new one)
array $triggers The triggers to add
array $logs The log data


function updateTriggers(int $ban_item = 0, int $group_id = 0, array $trigger = array(), array $logs = array()): void

This function updates an existing ban trigger into the database

Errors in $context[‘ban_errors’]

Type Parameter Description
int $ban_item The ID of the ban item
int $group_id The ID of the ban group
array $trigger An array of triggers
array $logs An array of log info


function logTriggersUpdates(array $logs, bool $new = true, bool $removal = false): void

A small function to unify logging of triggers (updates and new)

Type Parameter Description
array $logs an array of logs, each log contains the following keys:
    - bantype: a known type of ban (ip_range, hostname, email, user, main_ip)
    - value: the value of the bantype (e.g. the IP or the email address banned)
bool $new Whether the trigger is new or an update of an existing one
bool $removal Whether the trigger is being deleted


function updateBanGroup(array $ban_info = array()): int

Updates an existing ban group

Errors in $context[‘ban_errors’]

Type Parameter Description
array $ban_info An array of info about the ban group. Should have name and may also have an id.


function insertBanGroup(array $ban_info = array()): int

Creates a new ban group If the group is successfully created the ID is returned On error the error code is returned or false

Errors in $context[‘ban_errors’]

Type Parameter Description
array $ban_info An array containing ‘name’, which is the name of the ban group


function BanEditTrigger(): void

This function handles the ins and outs of the screen for adding new ban triggers or modifying existing ones.

Adding new ban triggers: - is accessed by ?action=admin;area=ban;sa=edittrigger;bg=x - uses the ban_edit_trigger sub template of ManageBans. Editing existing ban triggers:


function BanBrowseTriggers(): void

This handles the screen for showing the banned entities It is accessed by ?action=admin;area=ban;sa=browse It uses sub-tabs for browsing by IP, hostname, email or username.

Uses a standard list (@see createList())


function list_getBanTriggers(int $start, int $items_per_page, string $sort, string $trigger_type): array

Get ban triggers for the given parameters. Callback from $listOptions[‘get_items’] in BanBrowseTriggers()

Type Parameter Description
int $start The item to start with (for pagination purposes)
int $items_per_page How many items to show on each page
string $sort A string telling ORDER BY how to sort the results
string $trigger_type The trigger type - can be ‘ip’, ‘hostname’ or ‘email’


function list_getNumBanTriggers(string $trigger_type): int

This returns the total number of ban triggers of the given type. Callback for $listOptions[‘get_count’] in BanBrowseTriggers().

Type Parameter Description
string $trigger_type The trigger type. Can be ‘ip’, ‘hostname’ or ‘email’


function BanLog(): void

This handles the listing of ban log entries, and allows their deletion.

Shows a list of logged access attempts by banned users. It is accessed by ?action=admin;area=ban;sa=log. How it works:


function list_getBanLogEntries(int $start, int $items_per_page, string $sort): array

Load a list of ban log entries from the database.

(no permissions check). Callback for $listOptions[‘get_items’] in BanLog()

Type Parameter Description
int $start The item to start with (for pagination purposes)
int $items_per_page How many items to show on each page
string $sort A string telling ORDER BY how to sort the results


function list_getNumBanLogEntries(): int

This returns the total count of ban log entries. Callback for $listOptions[‘get_count’] in BanLog().


function range2ip(string $low, string $high): string

Convert a range of given IP number into a single string.

It’s practically the reverse function of ip2range().

Type Parameter Description
string $low The low end of the range in IPv4 format
string $high The high end of the range in IPv4 format


function checkExistingTriggerIP(array $ip_array, string $fullip = ''): bool|array

Checks whether a given IP range already exists in the trigger list.

If yes, it returns an error message. Otherwise, it returns an array optimized for the database.

Type Parameter Description
array $ip_array An array of IP trigger data
string $fullip The full IP


function updateBanMembers(): void

As it says… this tries to review the list of banned members, to match new bans.

Note: is_activated >= 10: a member is banned.


function getMemberData(int $id): array

Gets basic member data for the ban

Type Parameter Description
int $id The ID of the member to get data for

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