Unofficial SMF API Documentation



function read_tgz_file(string $gzfilename, ?string $destination, bool $single_file = false, bool $overwrite = false, ?array $files_to_extract = null): array|false

Reads an archive from either a remote location or from the local filesystem.

Type Parameter Description
string $gzfilename The path to the tar.gz file
string $destination The path to the desitnation directory
bool $single_file If true returns the contents of the file specified by destination if it exists
bool $overwrite Whether to overwrite existing files
null|array $files_to_extract Specific files to extract


function read_tgz_data(string $data, ?string $destination, bool $single_file = false, bool $overwrite = false, ?array $files_to_extract = null): array|false

Extracts a file or files from the .tar.gz contained in data.

detects if the file is really a .zip file, and if so returns the result of read_zip_data

if destination is null

if single_file is true

overwrites existing files with newer modification times if and only if overwrite is true. creates the destination directory if it doesn’t exist, and is is specified. requires zlib support be built into PHP. returns an array of the files extracted. if files_to_extract is not equal to null only extracts file within this array.

Type Parameter Description
string $data The gzipped tarball
null|string $destination The destination
bool $single_file Whether to only extract a single file
bool $overwrite Whether to overwrite existing data
null|array $files_to_extract If set, only extracts the specified files


function read_zip_data(string $data, ?string $destination, bool $single_file = false, bool $overwrite = false, ?array $files_to_extract = null): mixed

Extract zip data.

If single_file is true, destination can start with * and / to signify that the file may come from any directory. Destination should not begin with a / if single_file is true.

Type Parameter Description
string $data ZIP data
string $destination Null to display a listing of files in the archive, the destination for the files in the archive or the name of a single file to display (if $single_file is true)
bool $single_file If true, returns the contents of the file specified by destination or false if the file can’t be found (default value is false).
bool $overwrite If true, will overwrite files with newer modication times. Default is false.
array $files_to_extract  


function url_exists(string $url): bool

Checks the existence of a remote file since file_exists() does not do remote.

will return false if the file is “moved permanently” or similar.

Type Parameter Description
string $url The URL to parse


function loadInstalledPackages(): array

Loads and returns an array of installed packages.

default sort order is package_installed time


function getPackageInfo(string $gzfilename): array|string

Loads a package’s information and returns a representative array.

Type Parameter Description
string $gzfilename The path to the file


function create_chmod_control(array $chmodFiles = array(), array $chmodOptions = array(), bool $restore_write_status = false): array

Create a chmod control for chmoding files.

Type Parameter Description
array $chmodFiles Which files to chmod
array $chmodOptions Options for chmod
bool $restore_write_status Whether to restore write status


function packageRequireFTP(string $destination_url, ?array $files = null, bool $return = false): array

Use FTP functions to work with a package download/install

Type Parameter Description
string $destination_url The destination URL
null|array $files The files to CHMOD
bool $return Whether to return an array of file info if there’s an error


function parsePackageInfo(\xmlArray &$packageXML, bool $testing_only = true, string $method = 'install', string $previous_version = ''): array

Parses the actions in package-info.xml file from packages.

Type Parameter Description
\xmlArray \&$packageXML The info from the package-info file
bool $testing_only Whether we’re only testing
string $method The method (‘install’, ‘upgrade’, or ‘uninstall’)
string $previous_version The previous version of the mod, if method is ‘upgrade’


function matchHighestPackageVersion(string $versions, bool $reset, string $the_version): string|bool

Checks if version matches any of the versions in $versions.

Type Parameter Description
string $versions The versions that this package will install on
bool $reset Whether to reset $near_version
string $the_version The forum version


function matchPackageVersion(string $version, string $versions): bool

Checks if the forum version matches any of the available versions from the package install xml.

Type Parameter Description
string $version The forum version
string $versions The versions that this package will install on


function compareVersions(string $version1, string $version2): void

Compares two versions and determines if one is newer, older or the same, returns

Type Parameter Description
string $version1 The first version
string $version2 The second version


function parse_path(string $path): string

Parses special identifiers out of the specified path.

Type Parameter Description
string $path The path


function deltree(string $dir, bool $delete_dir = true): void

Deletes a directory, and all the files and direcories inside it.

requires access to delete these files.

Type Parameter Description
string $dir A directory
bool $delete_dir If false, only deletes everything inside the directory but not the directory itself


function mktree(string $strPath, int $mode): bool

Creates the specified tree structure with the mode specified.

creates every directory in path until it finds one that already exists.

Type Parameter Description
string $strPath The path
int $mode The permission mode for CHMOD (0666, etc.)


function copytree(string $source, string $destination): void

Copies one directory structure over to another.

requires the destination to be writable.

Type Parameter Description
string $source The directory to copy
string $destination The directory to copy $source to


function listtree(string $path, string $sub_path = ''): array

Create a tree listing for a given directory path

Type Parameter Description
string $path The path
string $sub_path The sub-path


function parseModification(string $file, bool $testing = true, bool $undo = false, array $theme_paths = array()): array

Parses a xml-style modification file (file).

Type Parameter Description
string $file The modification file to parse
bool $testing Whether we’re just doing a test
bool $undo If true, specifies that the modifications should be undone. Used when uninstalling. Doesn’t work with regex.
array $theme_paths An array of information about custom themes to apply the changes to


function parseBoardMod(string $file, bool $testing = true, bool $undo = false, array $theme_paths = array()): array

Parses a boardmod-style (.mod) modification file

Type Parameter Description
string $file The modification file to parse
bool $testing Whether we’re just doing a test
bool $undo If true, specifies that the modifications should be undone. Used when uninstalling.
array $theme_paths An array of information about custom themes to apply the changes to


function package_get_contents(string $filename): string

Get the physical contents of a packages file

Type Parameter Description
string $filename The package file


function package_put_contents(string $filename, string $data, bool $testing = false): int

Writes data to a file, almost exactly like the file_put_contents() function.

uses FTP to create/chmod the file when necessary and available. uses text mode for text mode file extensions. returns the number of bytes written.

Type Parameter Description
string $filename The name of the file
string $data The data to write to the file
bool $testing Whether we’re just testing things


function package_flush_cache(bool $trash = false): void

Flushes the cache from memory to the filesystem

Type Parameter Description
bool $trash  


function package_chmod(string $filename, string $perm_state = 'writable', bool $track_change = false): bool

Try to make a file writable.

Type Parameter Description
string $filename The name of the file
string $perm_state The permission state - can be either ‘writable’ or ‘execute’
bool $track_change Whether to track this change


function package_crypt(string $pass): string

Used to crypt the supplied ftp password in this session

Type Parameter Description
string $pass The password


function package_unique_filename(string $dir, string $filename, string $ext): string
Type Parameter Description
string $dir  
string $filename The filename without an extension
string $ext  


function package_create_backup(string $id = 'backup'): bool

Creates a backup of forum files prior to modifying them

Type Parameter Description
string $id The name of the backup


function smf_crc32(string $number): string

crc32 doesn’t work as expected on 64-bit functions - make our own.

Type Parameter Description
string $number  


function package_validate_installtest(array $package): array

Validate a package during install

Type Parameter Description
array $package Package data


function package_validate(array $packages): array

Validate multiple packages.

Type Parameter Description
array $packages Package data


function package_validate_send(array $sendData): array

Sending data off to validate packages.

Type Parameter Description
array $sendData Json encoded data to be sent to the validation servers.

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