Unofficial SMF API Documentation



function log_error(string $error_message, string|bool $error_type = 'general', string $file = null, int $line = null): string

Log an error, if the error logging is enabled.

filename and line should be FILE and LINE, respectively. Example use: die(log_error($msg));

Type Parameter Description
string $error_message The message to log
string|bool $error_type The type of error
string $file The name of the file where this error occurred
int $line The line where the error occurred
Integration hooks


function fatal_error(string $error, string|bool $log = 'general', int $status = 500): void

An irrecoverable error. This function stops execution and displays an error message.

It logs the error message if $log is specified.

Type Parameter Description
string $error The error message
string|bool $log = ‘general’ What type of error to log this as (false to not log it))
int $status The HTTP status code associated with this error


function fatal_lang_error(string $error, string|false $log = 'general', string|array $sprintf = array(), int $status = 403): void

Shows a fatal error with a message stored in the language file.

This function stops execution and displays an error message by key.

Type Parameter Description
string $error The error message
string|false $log The type of error, or false to not log it
string|array $sprintf An array of data to be sprintf()’d into the specified message
int $status = false The HTTP status code associated with this error


function smf_error_handler(int $error_level, string $error_string, string $file, int $line): void

Handler for standard error messages, standard PHP error handler replacement.

It dies with fatal_error() if the error_level matches with error_reporting.

Type Parameter Description
int $error_level A pre-defined error-handling constant (see {@link})
string $error_string The error message
string $file The file where the error occurred
int $line The line where the error occurred
Integration hooks


function setup_fatal_error_context(string $error_message, string $error_code = null): void|false

It is called by {@link fatal_error()} and {@link fatal_lang_error()}.

Type Parameter Description
string $error_message The error message
string $error_code An error code


function display_maintenance_message(): void

Show a message for the (full block) maintenance mode.

It shows a complete page independent of language files or themes. It is used only if $maintenance = 2 in Settings.php. It stops further execution of the script.


function display_db_error(): void

Show an error message for the connection problems.

It shows a complete page independent of language files or themes. It is used only if there’s no way to connect to the database. It stops further execution of the script.


function display_loadavg_error(): void

Show an error message for load average blocking problems.

It shows a complete page independent of language files or themes. It is used only if the load averages are too high to continue execution. It stops further execution of the script.


function set_fatal_error_headers(): void

Small utility function for fatal error pages.

Used by {@link display_db_error()}, {@link display_loadavg_error()}, {@link display_maintenance_message()}


function log_error_online(string $error, array $sprintf = array()): void

Small utility function for fatal error pages.

Used by fatal_error(), fatal_lang_error()

Type Parameter Description
string $error The error
array $sprintf An array of data to be sprintf()’d into the specified message

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