Unofficial SMF API Documentation



function markBoardsRead(int|array $boards, bool $unread = false): void

Mark a board or multiple boards read.

Type Parameter Description
int|array $boards The ID of a single board or an array of boards
bool $unread Whether we’re marking them as unread


function MarkRead(): void

Mark one or more boards as read.


function getMsgMemberID(int $messageID): int

Get the id_member associated with the specified message.

Type Parameter Description
int $messageID The ID of the message


function modifyBoard(int $board_id, array &$boardOptions): void

Modify the settings and position of a board.

Used by ManageBoards.php to change the settings of a board.

Type Parameter Description
int $board_id The ID of the board
array \&$boardOptions An array of options related to the board
Integration hooks


function createBoard(array $boardOptions): int

Create a new board and set its properties and position.

Allows (almost) the same options as the modifyBoard() function. With the option inherit_permissions set, the parent board permissions will be inherited.

Type Parameter Description
array $boardOptions An array of information for the new board
Integration hooks


function deleteBoards(array $boards_to_remove, int $moveChildrenTo = null): void

Remove one or more boards.

Allows to move the children of the board before deleting it if moveChildrenTo is set to null, the child boards will be deleted. Deletes:

Type Parameter Description
array $boards_to_remove The boards to remove
int $moveChildrenTo The ID of the board to move the child boards to (null to remove the child boards, 0 to make them a top-level board)
Integration hooks


function reorderBoards(): void

Put all boards in the right order and sorts the records of the boards table.

Used by modifyBoard(), deleteBoards(), modifyCategory(), and deleteCategories() functions


function fixChildren(int $parent, int $newLevel, int $newParent): void

Fixes the children of a board by setting their child_levels to new values.

Used when a board is deleted or moved, to affect its children.

Type Parameter Description
int $parent The ID of the parent board
int $newLevel The new child level for each of the child boards
int $newParent The ID of the new parent board


function getTreeOrder(): array

Tries to load up the entire board order and category very very quickly Returns an array with two elements, cats and boards


function sortBoards(array &$boards): void

Takes a board array and sorts it

Type Parameter Description
array \&$boards The boards


function sortCategories(array &$categories): void

Takes a category array and sorts it

Type Parameter Description
array \&$categories The categories


function getBoardModerators(array $boards): array

Returns the given board’s moderators, with their names and links

Type Parameter Description
array $boards The boards to get moderators of


function getBoardModeratorGroups(array $boards): array

Returns board’s moderator groups with their names and link

Type Parameter Description
array $boards The boards to get moderator groups of


function getBoardTree(): void

Load a lot of useful information regarding the boards and categories.

The information retrieved is stored in globals: $boards properties of each board. $boardList a list of boards grouped by category ID. $cat_tree properties of each category.

Integration hooks


function recursiveBoards(array &$_boardList, array &$_tree): void

Recursively get a list of boards.

Used by getBoardTree

Type Parameter Description
array \&$_boardList The board list
array \&$_tree The board tree


function isChildOf(int $child, int $parent): bool

Returns whether the child board id is actually a child of the parent (recursive).

Type Parameter Description
int $child The ID of the child board
int $parent The ID of a parent board


function setBoardParsedDescription($category_id = 0, $boards_info = array())


function getBoardsParsedDescription($category_id = 0)

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