Unofficial SMF API Documentation



function downloadAvatar(string $url, int $memID, int $max_width, int $max_height): bool

downloads a file from a url and stores it locally for avatar use by id_member.

Type Parameter Description
string $url The full path to the temporary file
int $memID The member ID
int $max_width The maximum allowed width for the avatar
int $max_height The maximum allowed height for the avatar


function createThumbnail(string $source, int $max_width, int $max_height): bool

Create a thumbnail of the given source.

Type Parameter Description
string $source The name of the source image
int $max_width The maximum allowed width
int $max_height The maximum allowed height


function reencodeImage(string $fileName, int $preferred_format = 0): bool

Used to re-econodes an image to a specified image format

Type Parameter Description
string $fileName The path to the file
int $preferred_format The preferred format - 0 to automatically determine, 1 for gif, 2 for jpg, 3 for png, 6 for bmp and 15 for wbmp


function checkImageContents(string $fileName, bool $extensiveCheck = false): bool

Searches through the file to see if there’s potentially harmful non-binary content.

Type Parameter Description
string $fileName The path to the file
bool $extensiveCheck Whether to perform extensive checks


function checkGD(): bool

Sets a global $gd2 variable needed by some functions to determine whether the GD2 library is present.


function checkImagick(): bool

Checks whether the Imagick class is present.


function checkMagickWand(): bool

Checks whether the MagickWand extension is present.


function imageMemoryCheck(array $sizes): bool

See if we have enough memory to thumbnail an image

Type Parameter Description
array $sizes image size


function resizeImageFile(string $source, string $destination, int $max_width, int $max_height, int $preferred_format = 0): bool

Resizes an image from a remote location or a local file.

Puts the resized image at the destination location. The file would have the format preferred_format if possible, otherwise the default format is jpeg.

Type Parameter Description
string $source The path to the source image
string $destination The path to the destination image
int $max_width The maximum allowed width
int $max_height The maximum allowed height
int $preferred_format - The preferred format (0 to use jpeg, 1 for gif, 2 to force jpeg, 3 for png, 6 for bmp and 15 for wbmp)


function resizeImage(resource $src_img, string $destName, int $src_width, int $src_height, int $max_width, int $max_height, bool $force_resize = false, int $preferred_format = 0): bool

Resizes src_img proportionally to fit within max_width and max_height limits if it is too large.

If GD2 is present, it’ll use it to achieve better quality. It saves the new image to destination_filename, as preferred_format if possible, default is jpeg.

Uses Imagemagick (IMagick or MagickWand extension) or GD

Type Parameter Description
resource $src_img The source image
string $destName The path to the destination image
int $src_width The width of the source image
int $src_height The height of the source image
int $max_width The maximum allowed width
int $max_height The maximum allowed height
bool $force_resize = false Whether to forcibly resize it
int $preferred_format - 1 for gif, 2 for jpeg, 3 for png, 6 for bmp or 15 for wbmp


function imagecopyresamplebicubic(resource $dst_img, resource $src_img, int $dst_x, int $dst_y, int $src_x, int $src_y, int $dst_w, int $dst_h, int $src_w, int $src_h): void

Copy image.

Used when imagecopyresample() is not available.

Type Parameter Description
resource $dst_img The destination image - a GD image resource
resource $src_img The source image - a GD image resource
int $dst_x The “x” coordinate of the destination image
int $dst_y The “y” coordinate of the destination image
int $src_x The “x” coordinate of the source image
int $src_y The “y” coordinate of the source image
int $dst_w The width of the destination image
int $dst_h The height of the destination image
int $src_w The width of the destination image
int $src_h The height of the destination image


function imagecreatefrombmp(string $filename): resource

It is set only if it doesn’t already exist (for forwards compatiblity.) It only supports uncompressed bitmaps.

Type Parameter Description
string $filename The name of the file


function gif_outputAsPng(\gif_file $gif, string $lpszFileName, int $background_color = -1): bool

Writes a gif file to disk as a png file.

Type Parameter Description
\gif_file $gif A gif image resource
string $lpszFileName The name of the file
int $background_color The background color


function showCodeImage(string $code): void|false

Show an image containing the visual verification code for registration.

Requires the GD extension. Uses a random font for each letter from default_theme_dir/fonts. Outputs a gif or a png (depending on whether gif ix supported).

Type Parameter Description
string $code The code to display


function showLetterImage(string $letter): void|false

Show a letter for the visual verification code.

Alternative function for showCodeImage() in case GD is missing. Includes an image from a random sub directory of default_theme_dir/fonts.

Type Parameter Description
string $letter A letter to show as an image

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