Unofficial SMF API Documentation



function ManageMaintenance(): void

Main dispatcher, the maintenance access point.

This, as usual, checks permissions, loads language files, and forwards to the actual workers.

Integration hooks


function MaintainDatabase(): void

Supporting function for the database maintenance area.


function MaintainRoutine(): void

Supporting function for the routine maintenance area.


function MaintainMembers(): void

Supporting function for the members maintenance area.


function MaintainTopics(): void

Supporting function for the topics maintenance area.


function MaintainFindFixErrors(): void

Find and fix all errors on the forum.


function MaintainCleanCache(): void

Wipes the whole cache.


function MaintainEmptyUnimportantLogs(): void

Empties all uninmportant logs


function Destroy(): void

Oh noes! I’d document this but that would give it away


function ConvertMsgBody(): void

Convert the column “body” of the table {db_prefix}messages from TEXT to MEDIUMTEXT and vice versa.

It requires the admin_forum permission. This is needed only for MySQL. During the conversion from MEDIUMTEXT to TEXT it check if any of the posts exceed the TEXT length and if so it aborts. This action is linked from the maintenance screen (if it’s applicable). Accessed by ?action=admin;area=maintain;sa=database;activity=convertmsgbody.

Integration hooks


function ConvertEntities(): void

Converts HTML-entities to their UTF-8 character equivalents.

This requires the admin_forum permission. Pre-condition: UTF-8 has been set as database and global character set.

It is divided in steps of 10 seconds. This action is linked from the maintenance screen (if applicable). It is accessed by ?action=admin;area=maintain;sa=database;activity=convertentities.


function OptimizeTables(): void

Optimizes all tables in the database and lists how much was saved.

It requires the admin_forum permission. It shows as the maintain_forum admin area. It is accessed from ?action=admin;area=maintain;sa=database;activity=optimize. It also updates the optimize scheduled task such that the tables are not automatically optimized again too soon.


function AdminBoardRecount(): void

Recount many forum totals that can be recounted automatically without harm.

it requires the admin_forum permission. It shows the maintain_forum admin area.

Totals recounted:

The function redirects back to ?action=admin;area=maintain when complete. It is accessed via ?action=admin;area=maintain;sa=database;activity=recount.


function VersionDetail(): void

Perform a detailed version check. A very good thing ;).

The function parses the comment headers in all files for their version information, and outputs that for some javascript to check with It does not connect directly with, but rather expects the client to.

It requires the admin_forum permission. Uses the view_versions admin area. Accessed through ?action=admin;area=maintain;sa=routine;activity=version.


function MaintainReattributePosts(): void

Re-attribute posts.


function MaintainPurgeInactiveMembers(): void

Removing old members. Done and out!


function MaintainRemoveOldPosts(): void

Removing old posts doesn’t take much as we really pass through.


function MaintainRemoveOldDrafts(): void

Removing old drafts


function MaintainMassMoveTopics(): void

Moves topics from one board to another.


function MaintainRecountPosts(): void

Recalculate all members post counts it requires the admin_forum permission.

The function redirects back to action=admin;area=maintain;sa=members when complete. It is accessed via ?action=admin;area=maintain;sa=members;activity=recountposts


function RebuildSettingsFile()


function list_integration_hooks(): void

Generates a list of integration hooks for display Accessed through ?action=admin;area=maintain;sa=hooks; Allows for removal or disabling of selected hooks


function get_files_recursive(string $dirname): void

Gets all of the files in a directory and its children directories

Type Parameter Description
string $dirname The path to the directory


function get_integration_hooks_data(int $start, int $per_page, string $sort, $filtered_hooks, $normalized_boarddir, $normalized_sourcedir): array

Callback function for the integration hooks list (list_integration_hooks) Gets all of the hooks in the system and their status

Type Parameter Description
int $start The item to start with (for pagination purposes)
int $per_page How many items to display on each page
string $sort A string indicating how to sort things


function get_integration_hooks(): array

Parses modSettings to create integration hook array


function parse_integration_hook(string $hook, string $rawData): array

Parses each hook data and returns an array.

Type Parameter Description
string $hook  
string $rawData A string as it was saved to the DB.


function get_defined_functions_in_file(string $file): array


function fixchardb__callback(array $matches): string

Converts html entities to utf8 equivalents special db wrapper for mysql based on the limitation of mysql/mb3

Callback function for preg_replace_callback Uses capture group 1 in the supplied array Does basic checks to keep characters inside a viewable range.

Type Parameter Description
array $matches An array of matches (relevant info should be the 2nd item in the array)

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