Unofficial SMF API Documentation



function sha1_smf(string $str): string

Define the old SMF sha1 function. Uses mhash if available

Type Parameter Description
string $str The string


function sha1_core(string $x, int $len): string

This is the core SHA-1 calculation routine, used by sha1().

Type Parameter Description
string $x  
int $len  


function sha1_ft(int $t, int $b, int $c, int $d): int

Helper function for the core SHA-1 calculation

Type Parameter Description
int $t  
int $b  
int $c  
int $d  


function sha1_kt(int $t): int

Helper function for the core SHA-1 calculation

Type Parameter Description
int $t  


function sha1_rol(int $num, int $cnt): int

Helper function for the core SHA-1 calculation

Type Parameter Description
int $num  
int $cnt  


function sha1_raw(string $text): string

Available since: (PHP 5) If the optional raw_output is set to TRUE, then the sha1 digest is instead returned in raw binary format with a length of 20, otherwise the returned value is a 40-character hexadecimal number.

Type Parameter Description
string $text The text to hash


function smf_crc32(string $number): string

Compatibility function.

crc32 doesn’t work as expected on 64-bit functions - make our own.

Type Parameter Description
string $number  


function mb_ord(string $string, ?string $encoding = null): int|bool

Compatibility function.

This is a complete polyfill.

Type Parameter Description
string $string A character.
string|null $encoding The character encoding.
    If null, the current SMF encoding will be used, falling back to UTF-8.


function mb_chr(int $codepoint, ?string $encoding = null): string|bool

Compatibility function.

This is a complete polyfill.

Type Parameter Description
int $codepoint A Unicode codepoint value.
string|null $encoding The character encoding.
    If null, the current SMF encoding will be used, falling back to UTF-8.


function mb_ord_chr_encoding(string $encoding = null): string|bool

Helper function for the mb_ord and mb_chr polyfills.

Checks whether $encoding is a supported character encoding for the mb_ord and mb_chr functions. If $encoding is null, the current default character encoding is used. If the encoding is supported, it is returned as a string. If not, false is returned.

Type Parameter Description
string $encoding A character encoding to check, or null for default.


function idn_to_ascii(string $domain, int $flags = 0, int $variant = 1, ?array &$idna_info = null): string|bool

Compatibility function.

This is not a complete polyfill:

Type Parameter Description
string $domain The domain to convert, which must be UTF-8 encoded.
int $flags A subset of possible IDNA_* flags.
int $variant Ignored in this compatibility function.
array|null $idna_info Ignored in this compatibility function.


function idn_to_utf8(string $domain, int $flags = 0, int $variant = 1, ?array &$idna_info = null): string|bool

Compatibility function.

This is not a complete polyfill:

Type Parameter Description
string $domain Domain to convert, in an IDNA ASCII-compatible format.
int $flags Ignored in this compatibility function.
int $variant Ignored in this compatibility function.
array|null $idna_info Ignored in this compatibility function.

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