Unofficial SMF API Documentation



function smf_db_initiate(string $db_server, string $db_name, string $db_user, string $db_passwd, string &$db_prefix, array $db_options = array()): ?resource

Maps the implementations in this file (smf_db_function_name) to the $smcFunc[‘db_function_name’] variable.

Type Parameter Description
string $db_server The database server
string $db_name The name of the database
string $db_user The database username
string $db_passwd The database password
string $db_prefix The table prefix
array $db_options An array of database options


function db_extend(string $type = 'extra'): void

Extend the database functionality. It calls the respective file’s init to add the implementations in that file to $smcFunc array.

Type Parameter Description
string $type Indicates which additional file to load. (‘extra’, ‘packages’)


function db_fix_prefix(string &$db_prefix, string $db_name): void

Fix the database prefix if necessary.

Does nothing on PostgreSQL

Type Parameter Description
string $db_prefix The database prefix
string $db_name The database name


function smf_db_replacement__callback(array $matches): string

Callback for preg_replace_callback on the query.

It allows to replace on the fly a few pre-defined strings, for convenience (‘query_see_board’, ‘query_wanna_see_board’, etc), with their current values from $user_info. In addition, it performs checks and sanitization on the values sent to the database.

Type Parameter Description
array $matches The matches from preg_replace_callback


function smf_db_quote(string $db_string, array $db_values, resource $connection = null): string

Just like the db_query, escape and quote a string, but not executing the query.

Type Parameter Description
string $db_string The database string
array $db_values An array of values to be injected into the string
resource $connection = null The connection to use (null to use $db_connection)


function smf_db_query(string $identifier, string $db_string, array $db_values = array(), resource $connection = null): resource|bool

Do a query. Takes care of errors too.

Special queries may need additional replacements to be appropriate for PostgreSQL.

Type Parameter Description
string $identifier An identifier. Only used in Postgres when we need to do things differently…
string $db_string The database string
array $db_values = array() The values to be inserted into the string
resource $connection = null The connection to use (null to use $db_connection)


function smf_db_affected_rows(mixed $result = null): int

Returns the amount of affected rows for a query.

Type Parameter Description
mixed $result  


function smf_db_insert_id(string $table, string $field = null, resource $connection = null): int

Gets the ID of the most recently inserted row.

Type Parameter Description
string $table The table (only used for Postgres)
string $field = null The specific field (not used here)
resource $connection = null The connection (if null, $db_connection is used) (not used here)


function smf_db_transaction(string $type = 'commit', resource $connection = null): bool

Do a transaction.

Type Parameter Description
string $type The step to perform (i.e. ‘begin’, ‘commit’, ‘rollback’)
resource $connection The connection to use (if null, $db_connection is used)


function smf_db_error(string $db_string, resource $connection = null): void

Database error! Backtrace, log, try to fix.

Type Parameter Description
string $db_string The DB string
resource $connection The connection to use (if null, $db_connection is used)


function smf_db_insert(string $method, string $table, array $columns, array $data, array $keys, int $returnmode = 0, resource $connection = null): mixed

Inserts data into a table

Type Parameter Description
string $method The insert method - can be ‘replace’, ‘ignore’ or ‘insert’
string $table The table we’re inserting the data into
array $columns An array of the columns we’re inserting the data into. Should contain ‘column’ => ‘datatype’ pairs
array $data The data to insert
array $keys The keys for the table, needs to be not empty on replace mode
int `` returnmode 0 = nothing(default), 1 = last row id, 2 = all rows id as array; every mode runs only with method != ‘ignore’
resource $connection The connection to use (if null, $db_connection is used)


function smf_db_select_db(string $db_name, resource $db_connection): true

Dummy function really. Doesn’t do anything on PostgreSQL.

Type Parameter Description
string $db_name The database name
resource $db_connection The database connection


function smf_db_version(): string

Get the current version.


function smf_db_error_backtrace(string $error_message, string $log_message = '', string|bool $error_type = false, string $file = null, int $line = null): void|array

This function tries to work out additional error information from a back trace.

Type Parameter Description
string $error_message The error message
string $log_message The message to log
string|bool $error_type What type of error this is
string $file The file the error occurred in
int $line What line of $file the code which generated the error is on


function smf_db_escape_wildcard_string(string $string, bool $translate_human_wildcards = false): string

Escape the LIKE wildcards so that they match the character and not the wildcard.

Type Parameter Description
string $string The string to escape
bool $translate_human_wildcards If true, turns human readable wildcards into SQL wildcards.


function smf_db_fetch_all(resource $request): array

Fetches all rows from a result as an array

Type Parameter Description
resource $request A PostgreSQL result resource


function smf_db_error_insert(array $error_array): void

Function to save errors in database in a safe way

Type Parameter Description
array `` with keys in this order id_member, log_time, ip, url, message, session, error_type, file, line


function smf_db_custom_order(string $field, array $array_values, bool $desc = false): string

Function which constructs an optimize custom order string as an improved alternative to find_in_set()

Type Parameter Description
string $field name
array $array_values Field values sequenced in array via order priority. Must cast to int.
bool $desc default false


function smf_db_native_replace(): bool

Function which return the information if the database supports native replace inserts


function smf_db_cte_support(): bool

Function which return the information if the database supports cte with recursive


function smf_db_escape_string(string $string, resource $connection = null): string

Function which return the escaped string

Type Parameter Description
string `` the unescaped text
resource $connection = null The connection to use (null to use $db_connection)


function smf_db_connect_error(): string

Function to return the pg connection error message.

Emulating mysqli_connect_error. Since pg_connect() doesn’t feed info to pg_last_error, we need to use a try/catch & preserve error info.


function smf_db_connect_errno(): string

Function to return the pg connection error number.

Emulating mysqli_connect_errno. Since pg_connect() doesn’t feed info to pg_last_error, we need to use a try/catch & preserve error info.

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